Saturday, October 27, 2018

Wind Carrier; Alpha 27.10.18

Hello all!

I spent a fair amount of time working on a new dream, along with making general improvements to dreams over all. The new dream, A Sodden Mount, is a stone's throw away from being completed, just have to test and tweak the jumping sections.

Along with that, I made the new stun less punishing and changed the dodge to be more flavorful plus having more utility.

Anywho, changelog!


-Cleaned out an absolutely massive number of old, unused files

Player Updates:

-When failing a dream, the player now has the option to 'Wake,' sending them back to the location in the world where they entered the dream while keeping xp, items, and crystals that they have found

-The dodge now transforms the player into a tornado temporarily, dealing air damage to those they pass through
-Base damage is equal to 10% of player level

-Added the skills Cutting Dodge I-III
-Increases the damage from base to 15/20/35% of level

-Can now switch between primary and secondary weapons while in the card use stance

-Lowered Stunned time from 2 to 1.25 secs

-Lowered the stun chance from 5% at max health to 1% at max health

-The threshold for attacks that have no chance to stun the player now scales at the rate of 5 damage/ level
Ex. At level 10, the player will not have a chance to get stunned when taking any damage less than 50.
Note: This was done both to make lower level enemies less of a threat and to keep smaller tick damages from stun locking the player.

-Swimming is now a thing

Enemy Updates:

-Adjusted Fennoc Fire's damage from 10 ticks/second and 6 dam/tick to 4 ticks/sec and 4 dam/tick (From 60 dps to 20 dps)

Dream Updates:

-Added area bounds to each dream that did not have them

Bug Fixes:

-Actually fixed the bug where a taken skill would still display 'Take Skill'
-Fixed a discrepancy in the damage window for spear light attacks 1 and 2
-Fixed a bug where certain skills weren't saving correctly
-Fixed a bug where multiple EIR encounters could spawn in the same place
-Fixed a bug where macuahuitl that were equipped as secondary weapons weren't properly being attached to the player
-Fixed a bug where when swapping primary and secondary weapons, the secondary being swapped would be duplicated

A quick shot of the not-quite-ready A Sodden Mount dream.

Everything is done save making the jumping section perfect. This includes the unique which for this one is a macuahuitl!

Swimming, woo!

Anywho, that's all I've got this week. 

Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

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