Friday, October 12, 2018

Wind Carrier; Alpha 0.1.3

Hello all!

Our play-tester has had his time with the new build, so here it is!

Along with that, we've got a couple reworks for menus and a whole host of changes. So, here we go!


-Mana crystal drops now change shape and color based on the amount in them

-Added screens for all the remaining tutorials

-Added a stunned animation for anthro enemies

-Reworked the Skills menu to be more readable and allowing me to have more control on its look
-Each skill now also includes the minimum level and the prerequisite skill name in the tool tip
-Reworked the Rituals menu to accomplish the same

-Added some more sounds

-Fixed some resolution issues with the hand widget

-Redrew all the skill icons

-The icons for persistent rituals now change in the rituals tab based on the level of unlocked ritual

Player Updates:

-Decreased the player pickup radius
-Note: This was done because of a change a while ago which made all items pickup on touch. 

-The player can now be stunned
-The chance is dependent on the percent of health damage that they took

-The 'Take Skill' button will no longer show up if the player has 0 skill points

-When using a ranged weapon and not zooming in, ranged projectiles will now spawn 20 degrees above the player's line of sight

-Added the persistent Rituals Ursine Rage I-III
-Akin to a berserker's rage, on melee attack, the player causes water splash damage that scales based on the player's lost health
-Levels II and III also increase the player's armor multiplicatively based on missing health
Note: With level III Ursine Rage and some luck, the player can become invincible
-Level III Ursine Rage also makes the player immune to the new stunned status effect, regardless of health level

Card Updates:

-Added card art for Capture

Enemy Updates:

-Enemies now properly stop and clear their targets when they get too far away

-Vulpine Trickster
-Lowered melee damage from 45 to 35

Building Updates:

-Added a water material that does not implement distance fields to the well water mat

-Buildings with a civ cost of 0 can now be placed regardless of the player's current civ points

Dream Updates:

-Added a checkpoint widget to checkpoints *cough*

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where dynamic dreams weren't properly streaming out upon leaving

-Fixed a bug where the player could sleep endlessly

-Fixed a bug where the loading screen wasn't loading when pressing continue

-Fixed a bug where equipping a second weapon caused it to disappear

-Fixed a bug where performing a second persistent ritual wouldn't cancel the first

-Fixed a bug in the ritual menu, where if a player selected a ritual they could perform, then without pressing the 'cancel' button, selected another that they hadn't unlocked, the would be able to perform the second, locked ritual
-Fixed a similar bug in the skills menu

The new skills menu. It's actually legible now, so, woo. :p

Now that I look at it, I notice that I should probably make an icon just for the skill point counter up top. Should probably also just not have it display when the player has none....

Anywho, there were quite a few changes that I was rather happy with this week. I feel like this was the most productive week that I've had for a while. 

Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

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