There were a couple pretty hefty bugs in the last release. I will be uploading a new build here in a minute, which can be downloaded, as always, from the banner or from here.
This week there weren't a huge number of changes. I spent the majority of the last two days working on getting the topography down for the map between Ardor and Granforn. I am happy to say that that work is basically completed. I just need to chunk the map and, well, populate it with stuff. :p
I've also blocked out the location of the home city of another race. I'm not entirely sure what it is going to be, but we'll see in time.
I'm excited about working on new areas again. I've grown tired of treading over and over Kerankohora, Ardor, and Käykäl'niis.
Anywho, changelog.
-Bonfires and campfires now heal the player by 2.5% of their max health per second while nearby
-The skill point indicator is no longer visible when the player has 0 skill points
Player Updates:
-Adjusted Banquet of Spirit I-III
-No longer procs on player damage, rather player tick
-Decreased proc chance from 10/20/40% on hit to 2/4/8% on tick
-Adjusted the on player attack rate from half of the on hit to twice the on tick (from 5/10/20% to 4/8/16%)
-Spirits now have a much lower rate of acceleration due to gravity
-Spirits now can move up 90 degree slopes
-Adjusted the spirit material to make them more visible
-Similarly adjusted all followers to keep them from getting stuck
-Used and discarded cards now have the slot they occupied replaced as opposed to everything shifting down a slot
Item Updates:
-Finally re-added the Hurttafur Vest
Enemy Updates:
-Fixed the tick on the toxic mist it emits
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed a bug where secondary weapons weren't properly being unequipped when equipping another
-Fixed a bug where EIR encounters were spawning at run-time instead of streaming in
-Fixed a bug where Miirä'där merchants were having their animations replaced with incompatible ones
-Fixed a bug where followers who teleported to the player's location would continue to attempt to move toward their previous goal location
-Fixed a few spawners which were under the ground
-Fixed a bug where text was being displayed too quickly
-Fixed a bug where the player could discard the deck into negative numbers
Anywho, that's all for this week. The hotfix should be done being uploaded somewhere around an hour after this was published.
Until next time,
-Lucas Cady
Project Director
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