Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Wind Carrier; Alpha 20.3.19

Hello all!

Got a couple updates this week, but nothing spectacular.

To the changelog!


-Racial buildings now spawn villagers of the corresponding race, regardless of the player's race
-Ex. Vulpine Campsites will now spawn vulpine villagers, even if the player is a Saurian or a Leonen

-Added the word "back" to the back button

-Worked on updating the quest log's functionality
-Quests now fail as the quest giver is killed
-The player is informed as it happens

Player/Civ Updates:

-Reworked Population Chance
-Works almost the same as before when below 100%
-Above 100% there will be an additional guaranteed villager spawn per 100% of Population Chance
-Ex. The player's Pop Chance is 210%. They will get a guaranteed 2 villagers/roll plus a 10% chance roll for a third.
-With new changes to the population chance, the number of rolls per day has been changed as well
-Civs under pop 50 will now have their population/2.5 rolls per day
-Civs above pop 50 will now have their pop/3 to 6 rolls per day

Building Updates:

-Added Advanced Vulpine Campsite
-Final tier Vulpine Campsite
        -10 population
        -20% population rate

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a weighting issue on the Vulpine male's left wrist
-Fixed a weighting issue on the Leonen female's LOD 1

The final Vulpine Campsite, a two tiered camp fitted for 10 occupants. The campfire has been replaced by a spirit-fire bonfire, almost immune to the rains that plague Goldrath. 

I didn't get as much done this week as I would have liked to (do I ever?), but it is what it is.

Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

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