Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wind Carrier; Alpha 27.2.19

Hello all!

Not a super long changelog, just simply a changelog


-Buildings are now saved based on an offset as opposed to an absolute world position
-Older saves will have problems with this update

-Updated the current meshes for all the races for the last time

-Updated Kerankohora 75+

-If a player has unlocked racial crafting for a race, there is now an indicator in the influence menu

-Adjusted the location of the new card indicator for shopping

-Tho-to is no longer killable

Quest Updates:

-Added the quest A Helping Hand
-Vulpine aligned
-0+ influence
-Gives access to Vulpine crafting

-Added the quest A Special Breakfast
-Vulpine aligned
-No influence reqs
-Written by our Chris

Building Updates:

-Added the Blooming Bramble building
-Vulpine crafting
-Increases produce and clay rates

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where if the player dodged within any civ, including their own, the civ would despawn, then respawn after the dodge had been completed
-Fixed collision for pear trees
-Fixed the collision capsule of the crafter
-Fixed some map tears
-Fixed some water collision
-Fixed an issue where the player could get underneath the mountain near So'ria'ra

The Blooming Bramble building

Tiny Vulpine and pine tree for size reference

A shot from the front of Kerankohora at influence 75+

And finally, the last update to these three. From now on it will be moving forward and that's that. 

And that's all I have for this week. Next week will probably be a bit bare as I am taking a trip for a few days, but we'll see what I can accomplish for next time.

Until then,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

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