Saturday, October 27, 2018

Wind Carrier; Alpha 27.10.18

Hello all!

I spent a fair amount of time working on a new dream, along with making general improvements to dreams over all. The new dream, A Sodden Mount, is a stone's throw away from being completed, just have to test and tweak the jumping sections.

Along with that, I made the new stun less punishing and changed the dodge to be more flavorful plus having more utility.

Anywho, changelog!


-Cleaned out an absolutely massive number of old, unused files

Player Updates:

-When failing a dream, the player now has the option to 'Wake,' sending them back to the location in the world where they entered the dream while keeping xp, items, and crystals that they have found

-The dodge now transforms the player into a tornado temporarily, dealing air damage to those they pass through
-Base damage is equal to 10% of player level

-Added the skills Cutting Dodge I-III
-Increases the damage from base to 15/20/35% of level

-Can now switch between primary and secondary weapons while in the card use stance

-Lowered Stunned time from 2 to 1.25 secs

-Lowered the stun chance from 5% at max health to 1% at max health

-The threshold for attacks that have no chance to stun the player now scales at the rate of 5 damage/ level
Ex. At level 10, the player will not have a chance to get stunned when taking any damage less than 50.
Note: This was done both to make lower level enemies less of a threat and to keep smaller tick damages from stun locking the player.

-Swimming is now a thing

Enemy Updates:

-Adjusted Fennoc Fire's damage from 10 ticks/second and 6 dam/tick to 4 ticks/sec and 4 dam/tick (From 60 dps to 20 dps)

Dream Updates:

-Added area bounds to each dream that did not have them

Bug Fixes:

-Actually fixed the bug where a taken skill would still display 'Take Skill'
-Fixed a discrepancy in the damage window for spear light attacks 1 and 2
-Fixed a bug where certain skills weren't saving correctly
-Fixed a bug where multiple EIR encounters could spawn in the same place
-Fixed a bug where macuahuitl that were equipped as secondary weapons weren't properly being attached to the player
-Fixed a bug where when swapping primary and secondary weapons, the secondary being swapped would be duplicated

A quick shot of the not-quite-ready A Sodden Mount dream.

Everything is done save making the jumping section perfect. This includes the unique which for this one is a macuahuitl!

Swimming, woo!

Anywho, that's all I've got this week. 

Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Wind Carrier; Alpha 20.10.18 - Hotfix

Hello all!

There were a couple pretty hefty bugs in the last release. I will be uploading a new build here in a minute, which can be downloaded, as always, from the banner or from here.

This week there weren't a huge number of changes. I spent the majority of the last two days working on getting the topography down for the map between Ardor and Granforn. I am happy to say that that work is basically completed. I just need to chunk the map and, well, populate it with stuff. :p

I've also blocked out the location of the home city of another race. I'm not entirely sure what it is going to be, but we'll see in time.

I'm excited about working on new areas again. I've grown tired of treading over and over Kerankohora, Ardor, and Käykäl'niis.

Anywho, changelog.


-Bonfires and campfires now heal the player by 2.5% of their max health per second while nearby

-The skill point indicator is no longer visible when the player has 0 skill points

Player Updates:

-Adjusted Banquet of Spirit I-III
-No longer procs on player damage, rather player tick
-Decreased proc chance from 10/20/40% on hit to 2/4/8% on tick
-Adjusted the on player attack rate from half of the on hit to twice the on tick (from 5/10/20% to 4/8/16%)
-Spirits now have a much lower rate of acceleration due to gravity
-Spirits now can move up 90 degree slopes
-Adjusted the spirit material to make them more visible
-Similarly adjusted all followers to keep them from getting stuck

-Used and discarded cards now have the slot they occupied replaced as opposed to everything shifting down a slot

Item Updates:

-Finally re-added the Hurttafur Vest

Enemy Updates:

-Fixed the tick on the toxic mist it emits

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where secondary weapons weren't properly being unequipped when equipping another
-Fixed a bug where EIR encounters were spawning at run-time instead of streaming in
-Fixed a bug where Miirä'där merchants were having their animations replaced with incompatible ones
-Fixed a bug where followers who teleported to the player's location would continue to attempt to move toward their previous goal location
-Fixed a few spawners which were under the ground
-Fixed a bug where text was being displayed too quickly
-Fixed a bug where the player could discard the deck into negative numbers

Anywho, that's all for this week. The hotfix should be done being uploaded somewhere around an hour after this was published.

Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Friday, October 12, 2018

Wind Carrier; Alpha 0.1.3

Hello all!

Our play-tester has had his time with the new build, so here it is!

Along with that, we've got a couple reworks for menus and a whole host of changes. So, here we go!


-Mana crystal drops now change shape and color based on the amount in them

-Added screens for all the remaining tutorials

-Added a stunned animation for anthro enemies

-Reworked the Skills menu to be more readable and allowing me to have more control on its look
-Each skill now also includes the minimum level and the prerequisite skill name in the tool tip
-Reworked the Rituals menu to accomplish the same

-Added some more sounds

-Fixed some resolution issues with the hand widget

-Redrew all the skill icons

-The icons for persistent rituals now change in the rituals tab based on the level of unlocked ritual

Player Updates:

-Decreased the player pickup radius
-Note: This was done because of a change a while ago which made all items pickup on touch. 

-The player can now be stunned
-The chance is dependent on the percent of health damage that they took

-The 'Take Skill' button will no longer show up if the player has 0 skill points

-When using a ranged weapon and not zooming in, ranged projectiles will now spawn 20 degrees above the player's line of sight

-Added the persistent Rituals Ursine Rage I-III
-Akin to a berserker's rage, on melee attack, the player causes water splash damage that scales based on the player's lost health
-Levels II and III also increase the player's armor multiplicatively based on missing health
Note: With level III Ursine Rage and some luck, the player can become invincible
-Level III Ursine Rage also makes the player immune to the new stunned status effect, regardless of health level

Card Updates:

-Added card art for Capture

Enemy Updates:

-Enemies now properly stop and clear their targets when they get too far away

-Vulpine Trickster
-Lowered melee damage from 45 to 35

Building Updates:

-Added a water material that does not implement distance fields to the well water mat

-Buildings with a civ cost of 0 can now be placed regardless of the player's current civ points

Dream Updates:

-Added a checkpoint widget to checkpoints *cough*

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where dynamic dreams weren't properly streaming out upon leaving

-Fixed a bug where the player could sleep endlessly

-Fixed a bug where the loading screen wasn't loading when pressing continue

-Fixed a bug where equipping a second weapon caused it to disappear

-Fixed a bug where performing a second persistent ritual wouldn't cancel the first

-Fixed a bug in the ritual menu, where if a player selected a ritual they could perform, then without pressing the 'cancel' button, selected another that they hadn't unlocked, the would be able to perform the second, locked ritual
-Fixed a similar bug in the skills menu

The new skills menu. It's actually legible now, so, woo. :p

Now that I look at it, I notice that I should probably make an icon just for the skill point counter up top. Should probably also just not have it display when the player has none....

Anywho, there were quite a few changes that I was rather happy with this week. I feel like this was the most productive week that I've had for a while. 

Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Wind Carrier; Alpha 6.10.18

Hello all!

I managed to get Wind Carrier to compile and build, but I'm going to delay the next update until our play-tester gets his hands on this build and tests it for a bit.

Anywho, changelog


-Added a different song for nights

-Increased the volumes of various UI sounds

-Added UI sounds for the tutorial widgets

-Added more sounds here and there

-Increased the nav mesh size, fixing any crashes that that may have caused.

-Added elemental swooshes, pierces, and spins

Player Updates:

-Drastically lowered the health and mana regeneration gained per level

-Added the skills Banquet of Spirit I-III
-Spawns hungry spirits around the player when they are hit or deal melee damage
-Spirits charge at enemies and explode, dealing AoE damage which scales based on player level and MCM

-Dodge now cancels the current attack

Item Updates:

-Throwing axes now fall more slowly
  -Note: Enemy projectiles also got this treatment

Card Updates:

-Added card art for Call Lightning, Pinecone Bomb, and Shimmering Bubble

Enemy Updates:

-Vulpine Trickster
-Changed the preferred range a bit so it doesn't try to move INTO the player
-Lowered the attack delay from 1 to .75 sec

-Saurian Treefeller
-Now has a larger preference for ranged combat

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where when upgrading a card, the interface wouldn't properly re-fill itself with cards

-Fixed a bug where projectiles had collision which interfered with their damaging capabilities

-Fixed a bug where the Atmospheric Fog actor was causing lighting issues

-Fixed Vulpine Garb's value - is no longer 0

-Fixed a bug where, if the player entered a cities stream range while transformed and then de-transformed, the city would stream out

-Fixed a bug where, when teleporting closer to the player, followers would sometimes spawn in the ground, forcing them to teleport infinitely

-Fixed a bug where follower widgets wouldn't properly despawn occasionally

-Fixed a bug where the poison from a combo level 4 dagger attack was despawning as it spawned

The Elemental swooshes mid-swoosh. They also come in different shapes and sizes based on the attack that was used. 

In order:
Physical, Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Spirit

Card Art:

Call Lightning, Pinecone Bomb, and Shimmering Bubble, respectively

I spent far too much time this week working with distance fields in UE4. It ended up being far too expensive for what I wanted them for. Though they are still active on the water material. 

I feel like I've been having a bit of an off time recently. I probably won't even get a lot done next week as I've a crap-ton of running to do. Bleh. 

Anywho, until next time

-Lucas Cady
Project Director