Monday, September 9, 2024

Blistering Beach preview #1

 Hello all!

I appologize for the lateness of this, not that anyone is waiting with baited breath for these, but I got a new work laptop for modeling while away from home and while that has been helpful in speeding up the process of creation, it has had a bit of a learning curve. I suppose that I am saying that I blame the laptop for the lateness of this, which is absurd, but here we are.

Alliteration plays a large role in the naming conventions for levels in ASU, to be honest, that's where most of the ideas for levels comes from. I take a place that one could find in another video game, like the ocean, and then play with alliteration until I come up with something that both includes the original idea and satisfies my annoying desire for the name to only start with one letter. Anywho, that's how we arrived at Blistering Beach. 

The original idea was a level that took place both above and below water level. 

Below water level

Above water level

The above and below sections will serve different functions for traversing the level itself. With underwater being the main area that you'll spend your time in, whereas above water will function as a way to scout ahead, along with find different treasures and whatnot above the waves. 

All the creature designs, as one would expect, are based around underwater creatures, but with the Saren Glass mutation twist that you've come to expect from the likes of the hawog or hanged acacia. 

I'm still working out the idea of this dang blog, but I'll get it one of these days. I suppose I could post it as a companion to my Steam updates, but, we'll figure it out. 

In any case, this was a short-ish one, but here we are!

Until next time,


Project Director

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