I'm almost back up to speed, not a bunch to say.
-Random merchants now all have certain types of items that they sell that others do not
-Updated the clothing_object logic to include a unique mesh for each race/gender combination
Player/Civ Updates:
-Health and mana regen rates are now tripled outside of combat and when not dreaming
-Added a bit of screenshake/hit stun when the player is hit
-Added the Fan weapon class
-Medium range
-Heavy combos provide refreshable buffs
-In order:
-Armor Up
-Atk Up
-Buff effects scale on the player's damage and MDM or MCM stats, depending which is higher
Item Updates:
-Added A Trickster's Hide
-Dream reward
-Added Primitive Fan
-Added S'Hae Typhoon
-Added Crystalline Macuahuitl
Enemy Updates:
-Enemies stunned when about the health threshold are no longer able to be finished
Dream Updates:
-Added A Trickster's Trove
-Drops from Vulpine Tricksters
-A veritable mana mine to those that are observant; something more akin to a deathtrap to those who are unwary
-Has a chance to drop a large number of items from the burlap sacks scattered around
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed a bug where the mouse clicker icon wouldn't show up above the hand widget when adding cards to an empty deck
A Trickster's Hide
The unique reward for A Trickster's Trove.
On display is also the fan idle along with the S'Hae Typhoon.
The design of A Trickster's Hide is to be credited to my wife.
And that's all I have for this week.
Until next time,
-Lucas Cady
Project Director
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