Sunday, November 18, 2018

Wind Carrier; Alpha Demo 0.1.4

Hello all!

The astute among you will notice that this is not Saturday - it is, indeed, Sunday. I was rather swamped yesterday, so I had to postpone this until today. 

This week is a build week and the newest build can be found: here or from the bar up top. 

We've got a couple of graphical updates this week along with some additions and a new EIR encounter; which I guess technically isn't found anywhere yet as it is for an area that will be added in an update which should be coming soon. 

Anywho, changelog!


-Redid all the hummingbird meshes animation and equipment

-Redid some of the pine trees

-Added a new material and gathering node, Cervine Moss

-Updated the AoE mask

-Lowered the chance that it will stay raining if it is already raining
-Similarly, increased the chance that if the sun is shining, it will continue to

Player Updates:

-Increased base produce gain from farmers from 2/unit to 5/unit

-If the produce that the player civ has is less than the population at the beginning of the day, there is no chance that the civ will grow

-Ritual of the Homebound and Ritual of the Dancing Shrines both now close the menu as they are used

Item Updates:

-Added Biting Blue warpaint
-Default crafting type
-Made from water berries and produce
-Increases mana regen and decreases MCM

Enemy Updates:

-Hummingbird WitheredLeaf
-Decreased attack time for both the teleport and the swing from 3 to 1 and 2 to 1, respectively
-Increased alacrity from .65 to 1
-Note: The player's WitheredLeaf follower got a similar treatment, though, the follower version technically got a bit of a nerf, as it was not properly waiting after teleporting away.

EIR Updates:

-Added Tiiru Tööräätenaaraa'idar
-Lit. Shards of broken dreams
-A dense, nigh indestructible tree
-Deals 2.5% of everything's max health in spirit damage per second
-Favorite growing spot of Cervine Moss

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where buildings being built didn't have the proper material being set immediately
-Fixed a bug where named shopkeepers were spawning with the wrong animations
-Fixed a bug where named shopkeepers weren't showing warpaints

The Tiiru Tööräätenaaraa'idar, also featuring the new AOE mask

The Tiiru are found in the northern reaches of Goldrath, near the Cervine homelands. The trees are the favorite growing areas of Cervine moss, which is used in more traditional Cervine crafting. As such, the gathering caste of the Cervine are generally considered to be their most physically resilient. 
The Cervine homeland is surrounded by barren ground, almost all plant matter having been killed and absorbed by the Tiiru. The Cervine worry not about invasion - even the Leonen have decided that it is not worth what they would gain; the Tiiru would need to be uprooted before the land would be worth anything to them and it is much more difficult to uproot a Tiiru than it is a traditional tree, as their root systems are large, dense, and constrictive. 
It is a rite of passage for the young gatherers to venture alone into the barren Naaraavaanet, the dream lands, to gather as much Cervine moss as they can muster. Many fail and are felled by the parasitic nature of the Tiiru, but those that survive are ranked and placed into appropriate families based on their performance. Those that fail to bring anything back are stripped of their gatherer titles and forced into the merchant caste - the lowest in their society.

A quick, ugly shot of the new pines, along with the updated sheets material. I only uploaded this because I noticed that I had it, heh. :p

Anywho, that's all for this week. If you have questions, concerns, opinions, or bugs which you wish/need to share with us, you can e-mail us at

Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

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