Saturday, September 15, 2018

Wind Carrier; Alpha 15.9.18

Hello all!

Again, a short week, but the S'Hae is a hair away from being finished.

Let's jump right into it!


-Added a back-plate to equipped items

-Increased the icon size for equipped items

-Adjusted the drop logic for items/materials from enemies.
-Now there is no chance that larger creatures (Haljuhurtta, S'Hae, etc.) will drop nothing
-The change has no effect on creatures that would only drop nothing or 1 thing at a time
(Faithless Hound, Vulpine Ritualist, etc.)

Player Updates:

-Cards whose mana cost is higher than the combination of the player health and mana will now appear in a dark blue in the hand widget

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where in the equipment screen, when unequipping an item, the hover text would remain

-Fixed a bug where the equipment screen hover text would become visible even if nothing was equipped in any given slot

-Fixed a bug where the scythe equip socket was 10 degrees off from where it should have been

-Fixed a bug where the talk widget was still disappearing too quickly

-Fixed a bug where: Fennoc Breath, Fennoc Gout, and Rockdancer's Descent were not rotating properly when used

A quick screen of the new wood-esque back-plate, along with S'Hae related equipment icons.

The S'Hae will be in the hands of our play tester this week, so if there are any unintended bugs with the way that it works, hopefully they will get found and sorted this coming week. Other than that I've one more piece of equipment to finish that I decided to add at almost the end and the texture for the S'Hae needs a bit of work. And then it's done! And I can start doing other things than working on it! Woo!

Anywho, until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director


  1. Hi, is there a form to post bugs and suggestions. I also have a video game recorder. It would be handy for showing where the bugs are.

    1. I am extremely sorry. I didn't notice the comment here. Again, I apologize.
      There is no form to post bugs just yet. You can post them here or send an e-mail directly to
      Again, I'm sorry for the delay. u.u
