Another short-ish changelog this week, due in part to the heat.
We had a meeting with a company which provides free consulting to new businesses, Ensimetri, yesterday and got a whole host of information to scan through and work on. It'll be a lot of work, but it'll be good to get an idea of how the business side of things will run once we get there.
Anywho, changelog
-Quest boxes and random dialogue boxes now play a small sound after every 3rd printed character
-All items are now picked up by walking over them
-Their name and type is also added to the scroll box to the left of the screen as creature materials were before
-Unique items now have a warning before breaking them down
-Key items now have a proper warning informing that it cannot be broken down
-Can now break items down by right clicking them as well
-Optimized the unique item effect code from last week
-Added the main part of So'ria'ra, the Miirä'där city
-Updated Wandering Allies to work properly with the text pop-up widget
-The text pop-up widget now waits until the text is finished printing before beginning to fade
-Added a widget, which needs its own art, to the beginning of dreams to indicate its name
Card Updates:
-Added the Poisonous Deluge card
-Tier 3
-Does moderately more damage than its previous form along with poisoning everything that it touches for 15 seconds
Dream Updates:
-Added A Single Drop
-found within the Great Cistern of So'ria'ra
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed a bug where the quest indicator for Put to Death wasn't properly being dismissed after the quest had been taken
-Fixed a bug where the quest receiver for A Lost Staff could spawn multiple times
-Fixed a bug where the hummingbird sprite wasn't spawning properly
-Fixed a bug with Saurian wandering allies, where they were unable to be rescued
The ancestral home of the Miirä'där. The largest percent of Miirä'där live and work within the cloister dug into the adjoining mountain. Only the fisher and merchant classes of Miirä'där live outside of the cloister.
Set into the center of So'ria'ra is the Great Cistern. A massive, blasted clay structure into which the cremated remains of all Miirä'där are sprinkled, forming a dense silt on the bottom of the cistern proper. Seated in the center of the water is a dream.
A Single Drop
A deep pit in the earth flows silently inward. A single drop of well water is found within the well seated at the bottom center of the pit. Take the water with caution.
I realize now that I have forgotten to finish the unique reward for completing A Single Drop. That'll be done before next week, though.
On that note, I think that this week was supposed to be a build week, but I am delaying it until next week, because I have no idea how long it will take to get internet at our new apartment - really, it depends entirely on the mail service, so it could take a long, long while.
Anywho, that's all I have,
Until next time,
-Lucas Cady
-Project Director
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