I apologize for the tardiness; I only had about five minutes of time on the computer yesterday after all of the running and various other things that I had to do.
I did manage to get the scythe class completely re-implemented along with some other stuff.
One of the other things was a vastly improved quest dialogue and explanation system which is almost, but not quite finished and ready. I expect it to be up and running by next week's build.
But, anywho, to the changelog.
Change log, 1.65
-Updated the Yurt mesh
-Added a puff of grass particle when collecting plants
(I liked this so much that I'll probably do something like it for each collectable thing :p)
-Added LoD's for the landscapes
-Added a small widget to the crafting menu, telling the player how many of the generic resources that they have
Player Updates:
-Re-implemented the Scythe class of weapons
Note: I reworked how the Scythe combo played out. Before, it had two empty attacks, one light and one heavy. Now it favors level 2. I've included a nifty flow chart for it below. I wanted light combo 1 to be more difficult to get to, with only one route. Now the player needs to choose between massive damage from the heavy level 3 combo or the quick, weak, light level 3 to get back to level 1 to heal.
-Added heavy combo level 2 for the dagger in the form of a thrown explosive.
Enemy Updates:
Dragon Bone Shaman
-Increased walk speed from 200 (?) to a normal 500
-Updated the minion summon logic to be more reliable
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed the player's collision >.>
-Fixed a bug where items would be duplicated if the game was saved more than once in succession
-Fixed a bug where items which didn't require a specific material were uncraftable
Coming Up:
The aforementioned quest dialogue system should be finished by next week... which I said already. :p
I'll also probably work on the throwing ax animations, probably actually get it up to the level of the other weapons. I will also need to work on a better ranged combat option however, probably something as simple as adding a cross-hair and pulling the camera in when holding the mouse button.
But, screenies!
The new yurt mesh. I liked the aesthetic idea of the original yurt, it just wasn't executed as well as it could have been. And the new yurt just needs its texture to be worked on a bit, but that's a future job, me thinks.
The generic resource widget. Shows generic resources in the crafting menu. Woo. :p
The scythe combo levels. As you can see, the only attack that gets you back to level one is the light level 3 combo. And light level 1 is where the scythe's regeneration attack is.
Now, in the future, when the scythe has unlockable additional combos, I feel like it will be simpler to return to the level 1 to get that heal. Either that or I'll add more regenerative combos later on.
I finally managed to kill an Ilhkor'sei! Though I did it by using the dagger's new heavy combo level before I nerfed it a bit. >.>
It still died though.
And then I was destroyed by a Dragon Bone Shaman... This one, I remember clearly, though. I was trying to kill it with only melee and then it got a couple of swings in. I chose to run and it nailed me with a thunder egg. It was nice to get destroyed by it though, made me feel like my enemies are actually starting to be worth something. :p
That's all for this week. I simultaneously look forward and dread next week because there is a good chance that it just isn't going to want to package the first time and I'm going to spend days trying to get it up and working.
I'll start trying, like, Wednesday. :p
Anywho, until next time.
-Lucas Cady
Project Director
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