Friday, June 30, 2017

Wind Carrier; Pre-Alpha 1.64

Hello all!

Not a huge amount of changes this week, my non-game-making life was rather busy this week. But there are a few important updates and as always some bug fixes.

And I have decided to change the build release schedule from bi-weekly to monthly. Depending on how I am feeling, it may go back to bi-weekly, I'll just have to wait and see how the whole flow feels.

Now, onto the change-log!

Change log, 1.64

-Added a new section to the update list: Eir Updates

-Added the 'Paralyzed' status effect

-Added the Male Vulpine mesh

Player Updates:

-Increased the camera rotation range

-When shifting from melee to magic mode using a 'Shift' key, the player will now stop attacking or casting

Item Updates:

-Added the Lavaleaf Mantle

Card Updates:

-Updated several cards which weren't dealing with Eir encounters properly; Fennoc Fire and Hurriscale, to just name two.

-Fennoc Fire
-Slowed the tick from .05 seconds to .1 seconds
-Increased the damage per tick from .5 to 2 or from 10 to 20 for the full duration
-Decreased mana cost from 30 to 20

Enemy Updates:

Vulpine Ritualist

-lowered the warning lifespan globally by 1 second

Note: I felt that the Ritualists weren't at all dangerous at their previous state. I could just dodge and juke around them without needing to really try that hard. I will likely be looking into warning spawns for all the creatures in the game. I have also been contemplating just using windups in animations to cover the warnings and remove the warnings entirely. 

Vulpine Trickster

-lowered the warning time of their base attack from 1 to .75 secs
-Increased the warning time of their teleport from .5 to 1 sec
-Increased the hit-box for melee attacks
-Added combo levels
-Combo level 4 now causes the burning damage, as opposed to every fourth attack (practically the same, but visually distinct now)

***Eir Updates:

-Updated the lavaleaf encounter. It's damage and range now increase as it takes fire damage

-Added the Black Arrow encounter, a large, poisonous plant with multiple offshoots which grow around it

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where card effects would sometimes spawn outside of the AoE
-Fixed a bug where the Siieri tree wasn't properly taking damage
-Fixed a bug where the player could use cards mid-air

Coming Up:

As this week was rather busy, I didn't get a whole lot of time to work on the scythe or throwing ax animations. The base primitive scythe along with the Female Vulpine idle animation are ready, but they aren't very useful without the rest of the set. :p
So, I will be working on that for next week. Along with more Eir encounters, I feel.


The new male Vulpine mesh along with it's ever-so-slightly different loincloth and the new Lavaleaf Mantle. I'm happy enough with it for now - and it's infinitely better than the old one as far as I'm concerned.

The female Vulpine from above with a Black Arrow plant. The Black Arrow is a rather large, poisonous plant with negatively effects most races that live within it's habitable region. The Black Arrow flourishes in higher altitudes sparse with other large foliage. The Black Arrow's poison is not potent enough to kill Sjjena, other than hummingbirds, mice, and the like. Although not deadly, the Black Arrow's touch is enough to send a Sjjena into temporary paralysis. If distilled, however, it can be made into a very deadly weapon.

I was going to write more lore about the Black Arrow and a group that actually uses it actively in defense of their settlements, but I cannot find wherever I put the paper with that information on it. :p
Must be with the other hundreds of unsorted creature/lore files. 

I really need a filing cabinet. 

Anywho, until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

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