Friday, April 14, 2017

Wind Carrier Pre-Alpha 1.54; Demo 1.0.5

Hello all!

As always, the newest build can be found here:

Got a few exciting things this week, more than I expected, honestly. :p
But, without further ado, the changelog!

Change log, 1.54

-Doubled the mana crystal drop rate

-Added elemental damage! For now only enemies have elemental weaknesses/strengths. The elemental system that I have chosen is simply: fire, water, earth, air, spirit.

-Updated all the enemies with the new loot system. I was going to write out exactly what everything could drop, but then I thought, hey, that's half the fun of it.

-Increased the legibility of most of the widgets in the game

-Added extra information to the hand widget, in addition to the image and tier of the card, it now displays:

-mana cost after MCM

-elemental type

-card type (spell, summon, transform)

-Dealt with some map tears, including a particularly horrendous one just west of Ardor

-We have crafting!

-Currently, there is a single NPC within your civ (who may or many not get in the way :p) who is able to craft gear for you. The only craftable gear as of now are things made from Haljuhurtta parts. The plan is that each civ will be able to craft you different types of gear, thus making your destruction decisions a bit more difficult. Fret not, however, your own crafter, who will be unlocked before age 2, will be able to learn all the crafting recipes, for an upgrade cost, of course.

Player Updates:

-Increased the experience to level a bit

Item Updates:

-Added Aenahiv Eye, an accessory which lowers both the Mana Cost Multiplier and the Melee Damage Multiplier, making your spells more frequent, but you melee less effective. (Craftable)

-Hurtta Claw, Hurtta Barb, Hurtta Flight, and Hurtta Fur Vest are all now craftable!

Card Updates:

-Decreased the cost of card evolution

-Updated every card to cause different types of damage, physical being a damage type as well. And in the interest of legibility and space, I will sort them thusly:


-Fennoc Breath

-Fennoc Fire

-Fennoc Meteor

-Fennoc Gout

-Metal Mist

-Metal Pool


-Bastion of Ice

-Crown of Ice

-Frozen Standard

-Ice Nova

-Poison Rain

-Wall of Ice




-Myrskyn Purema

-Scale Storm

-Scale Tornado

-Thunder Egg


-Cloak of Scales

-Scale Dance


-Crystalline Barrage

-Crystalline Stream

-Crystalline Wave

-Rockdancer's Drop

Note: It seems that there are no earth spells in the game as of yet. I need to remedy that. :p

Note 2: All summons type cards and healing type cards are spirit type, unless otherwise noted (Faithful hound, Healing Well, etc.)

Enemy Updates:

-Finally got the damn bots to stop chasing after a certain distance, I think. :p

-Added the aforementioned resists and weaknesses to all the creatures in the game, but I'm not telling.


-Increased lumber drops from 6-8 to 6-10 with a chance that two pouches will pawn


-Updated the mesh

-Now drops creature parts

-Leonen Ironhead

-Decreased minion spawn from 1 - 4 to 0 - 2

-Lizard Spearman

-The Spearman's leap now will fail if the player is a certain distance away from them, wasting the cast and cooldown.

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where the Brindlebark would drop a null card when being captured.

-Fixed a rare bug where, if timed exactly perfectly, the player character would be killed by the stunned particle effect. >.>

-Fixed a bug where the Faithless Hound was dropping the same items as the Vulpine Ritualist

-Fixed a bug where, if you discarded with an empty deck, the deck's count would go below zero

-Fixed a bug where the deck would sometimes create null cards.

-Fixed a bug where, when the deck became empty, it wouldn't properly update the values in the deck widget

Coming Up:

Next week I'll be trying to add more ways to influence the surrounding civs; I've a few ideas, hopefully something will pan out and work. :p

I know I say it every week, but I'm still gonna try to increase the map size, it's not really the highest priority, I know, but I feel like the map is growing too small.

Anywho, I've got a few screenshots and then I'm done!

A quick mesh I whipped up for the Aenahiv Eye. Too small to see normally, so in the mesh editor! Yes, I know the texture for the stone doesn't match up. :p

From my current perspective, the widget is kinda small, but if you enlarge the picture, you can see the card info. The top icon indicates card type, the second card element, and the number near the bottom is the mana cost, post MCM. Not exciting, but informative.

And that's about all I've got for this week. I should probably also look into generating patches for the builds instead of making you all download the whole thing when you want to try the newest one. I've found out that UE4 can generate them, but I have yet to look deeply into it. :/

Anywho, until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

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