Friday, April 28, 2017

Wind Carrier, Pre-Alpah 1.56; Demo 1.0.6

Hello all!

We've got a new build this week, located at:

As it always has been thus far. :p

I'm going to be trying a new format this week, because I need to find the format that works the most efficiently. So, this post will have the changes from last week for those that follow along every week here, and I will simply add the change logs for this week and last to the description on the page. We'll see how I like that.

I had a rather busy week with things not at all related to Wind Carrier, thus the changelog for this week is a bit sparse. Mostly UI related things. But, anyway, to the changelog!

Change log, 1.56

-Added a new type of random encounter, which I have titled Eir encounters. Eir encounters (Environmental Influence Random Encounters) deal with the Wind Carrier influencing the world around them in ways that are less about murder. By deciding, consciously or otherwise, the fate of these encounters, the Wind Carrier directs the regional civilizations, and the world as a whole.

-Updated some descriptions.

-Updated and added some widget art.

-Played around with the coloration of the menu buttons.

-Dealt with some spelling errors.

-Dealt with some UI usability issues.

Player Updates:

-Fixed the "I", it should properly open and close the inventory regardless of which menu you are in

-The inventory now also pauses the game, which is something that I had been neglecting to fix for far too long. :/

-Added a key binding to "Backspace" and "Escape", closes the menu

Item Updates:

-Pellervoisen Lahja, Manaladen Lily of the Valley, and Mushy have been changed from potion class items to crafting component class items. All remain usable as they were.

-Added Simple Draught item. Drinking this bitter brew restores 35% of the drinker's mana. Craftable.

-Added Distilled Gift. Usage increases the eater's maximum health by 7.5% permanently. Craftable.

-Added the Honeycomb crafting ingredient. Drops from beehives or rarely from some opponents.

Card Updates:

-Added the card Crack:

-Tier 1

-Earth Type

-Mana Cost 45

-Deals damage slowly over 2 seconds then bursts dealing a larger chunk of damage

-30 damage/second, 90 damage total

-Available from the merchant

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where cards wouldn't show up when the "All" category was clicked in the inventory

-Manaladen Lily of the Valley should heal mana properly now.

Coming Up:

This next coming week, I've got some UI updates planned. Mostly in the inventory to increase readability and add a couple more features. I've a handful of Eir encounters rattling around in my head as well, so those will likely get added as soon as I can properly flesh them out.

I went to my screenshot folder to post them here, but I found out that I didn't take a single screenshot this week. I think this is a first. :p

Anywho, until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

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