Friday, March 24, 2017

Wind Carrier: Pre-Alpha 1.51

Hey all!

The changelog for this week is a bit on the light side as I've had a rather persistent lung infection for the past week. Don't worry, cause I know you would, I'm fine, I just had to do the boring rest thing. I did manage to get through the first season of Futurama again though, so, there's that. :p
Aside from that, most of what was done was retrofitting some more of the creatures to work with the newer combat system. And I'm noticing that as I do get more and more done, I'm liking the way that the game is starting to play. It excites me to think about some of the bigger creatures that my wife or I have designed and how they'll work into all of this.

Change log, 1.51

-reduced the size of the warning mark by about 10%

-fixed the issue of some floating trees :p

-added a warning icon for ice based attacks and abilities that do not do direct damage

-changed the screen congestion from health bars a bit by changing the size and color

-reduced the day speed by 90% because I just now realized that it was way so fast because I was testing something :/

-increased the visibility at night

Enemy Updates:

-Vulpine Trickster

-Increased the attack time for its basic attack from 1.5 to 3.5 secs

-Increased the damage from 30 to 60

-Increased the damage of their burning status effect from 3.5 per tick to 4 per tick

-Increased the delay after teleporting from .5 secs to 1.5 secs (what was I thinking?)

-fixed a bug where it would sometimes teleport above the player

-cleaned up the code a bit

-Faithless Hound

-Increased base damage from 25  to 40

-Fixed the, frankly, embarrassing bug that kept it from doing damage

-Fixed its attack animation


-Added a warning before the spawning of a new Sapling

-Healing Sapling

-Increased delay between damage from tick to 3 seconds

-Increased damage from .15 damage to 3 damage or from 1.5 to 15 in total

-Increased healing from .075 to 1.5 or from .75 to 7.5 in total

-Added an AoE warning and warning sign before attack

-Increased the life from 10 secs to 15 secs

-Added a 10% chance that once killed they will drop the desiccated healing sapling

-Increased experience gain from 0 to 1 (I thought it already was 1)

-Healing Sapling can now leach from allies as well

Note: Philosophy; I wanted to make the Brindlebark fight a bit more engaging as how it stood, it was either you lose because it just heals away everything or you just tank through it and are victorious. With the changes to the saplings themselves, there is now counter-play to be had, since avoiding the attack will avoid the damage and the regen for the Brindlebark.

Coming Up:

While there are a few things in this build, I'm not sure that I'm going to put it up on this week. Now that I'm (almost) over this damn illness I should be able to get the butler system working and we'll be able to just patch nice and easily. But, for next week:

-probably finish off the last of the enemies that haven't been converted 
-work on map tears, I'm aware that there are dozens still out there

I'll probably get, well, the first one done in a couple of days, the other one being an ongoing thing. I'm not sure exactly what I'll do after that is done, but I know it'll be something!

And now, to screenshots!

Look at that thing's mouth, that's some quality animation right there. At least it friggin' works now though. :p

The no-damage thing, shows that an enemy is doing something, but that it is inherently non-dangerous. 

I suppose I could have also used the last one to illustrate the AoE's and widgets for the saplings, but... this one also has the new health bars in it, so I suppose there's that?

Anyway, thanks for being with us for at least one more week. I'm bummed at myself for having to take three dang days off from this but, it was better than killing myself. But, yeah, until next week. 

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

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