Friday, March 17, 2017

Wind Carrier: Pre-Alpha 1.50

Hello all!

Thank you to all of those who have downloaded our demo and have/are currently playing it! Our next build is currently building as we speak... or as I type? Anyway.

For those that are unaware, we did finally release our demo last week, it is available for download at

As you will see soon below, I have changed the way that change logs work a bit. As a demo exists, I can speak more frankly about exactly what was changed. As such, the headers have been changed to "X Updates" as opposed to "Xs Added." I will also include stuff that has been added in these sections. In addition, I have added a "Bug Fixes" and "Player Updates" sections.

We've another announcement! Our team just grew by one! Welcome Chris Kestner, our writer!

Change log, 1.50

-tweeked the influence levels to 10, 35, 70 from 25, 50, 75

-added some card art, making the deck more readable

-updated tool-tip texts

-updated mana costs for several cards

-added a widget the first time to explain influence the first time that it is relevant

-added text explanations to the beginning widget

-added a "Stunned" state to enemies, now when they get low enough, they will stop acting for a short while, during which time you may choose to kill or subdue them, depending on your goals, killing them nets the same benefits as killing them before, but subduing them keeps influence from going up or down. Be aware, leaving them without a decision for long enough will have them come back into the fight with a percent of their health regained

-added a warning widget that appears when enemies begin to attack, it persists for the length of the attack and gives you the type of damage that it will be, not telling you specifically what it is. It gives combat a more dynamic feel, still in testing

-starting a new game now properly resets the deck

-added a coordinates widget to the HUD so that all those intrepid adventurers out there can report map tears and other anomalies (-credits Septerian)

Player Updates:

-added combo level 3 for the scythe, a quick attack akin to combo level 4, but without the regen

-added a feature, where holding one of the card cast buttons (1-4) will summon an AoE widget, indicating exactly where and how large the spell effect will be. As a side note, I just realized that some of you may be unaware of the acronym AoE, not everyone is as big of a nerd as me. :p It stands for "Area of Effect."

-the camera now controls the direction of card usage

-increased the length of the camera boom from 325 to 375

Card Updates:

-Increased the max range of all cards from 400 to 1200

-Nerfed the damage of Thunder Egg from 60 to 45

Enemy Updates:

-Added AoE decals to each enemy spell/ card

-Buffed Vulpine Ritualist damage from 10 to 35, attack time increase to 2 seconds from 1 second

-Buffed Fennoc Fire damage from .5 per tick to 2 per tick (or 10 to 40), cast time decreased to 2 seconds from 3 seconds

Bug Fixes:

-From the race select, if you chose anything other than Vulpine, then switch back to Vulpine, the race would remain the first choice. (-credits Septerian)

-When placing only a single card was in the deck, the hand would not refresh properly

-Fixed a bug where the player's melee damage was 50 higher than intended (sorry guys :p)

-Removed a few "Print" commands that didn't need to exist any longer

Coming Up:

I'm gonna check out's "butler" system here in a bit and hopefully make it simpler for you fine folk to download updates; as opposed to having to redownload the whole thing each time.

For the next week, my priority will probably be making things work how they should:

   -fixing map tears
   -working on the melee and magic systems
   -updating more enemies to work with the new combat system that I've devised

And other such things. A little more card art may be added, if I, or AJ are feeling artsy enough.

And onto screenshots!

The AoE circle widget.

The AoE square/rectangle widget.

The coordinate widget... which I'm not sure why I took a picture of seeing as it is in most of the others as well. It's the yellow numbers in the lower left above the deck though.

Warning widget - Fire

Warning widget - Physical
I'm not entirely sure if these kinds of things will remain in the game forever. Certainly attacks with wind-ups that deal large amounts of damage will be, but I'm not sure about the obvious widgets.

The stunned state. I took quite a few pictures, and this was the one with the best star configuration... they didn't want to agree with me today, I guess.

Some quick card art. The borders of the cards will denote the tier of the card: white for tier 1, grey for tier 2, and black for tier 3.

I would like to thank again all those that have downloaded our demo. We here at Clouds of Glass Games really do appreciate it, dearly. 
The next build should be up in either a few hours or tomorrow, depending on how's butler system works and whether or not the next version wants to pack nice and easily. I will post another blog update when that happens, though. Until then.

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

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