Friday, March 31, 2017

Wind Carrier: Pre-Alpha 1.52

Hello all!
I managed to get a nice bit of work done this week (I'm pretty sure that I got all of the enemies updated to work with the new combat system) and, don't you worry, I plan on releasing the newest demo version here soon-ish, but for some inexplicable reason, the packaged game isn't running properly. I'll be dealing with that until I get it fixed, so the next demo should be up later today or tomorrow.
But, changelog time!

Change log, 1.52

-Worked on map tears and removed the awful 'hills' mesh

-Added a small particle to differentiate allies from enemies

-Normal level enemies now respawn when it becomes day

-Stronger enemies now have a chance to respawn as it becomes day and as it becomes night. If they have already spawned, they will despawn.

-Increased time speed by 50%

-Shortened the night by 50%

-Added a randomly spawning merchant to the player's home, there is a 25% chance the first day without seeing him, a 33% chance the second, 50% chance the third, and 100% chance the fourth day. He carries random wares, which I reserve the right to change around at any given time. :p

-Added similar random merchant spawns to each major city: Ardor, Käykäl'niis, and Kerankohora.

-Updated the shop-keep's possible inventory

Player Updates:

-Updated the spear heavy combo

-Updated the animations

-Delays increased from .35 to 1 and .35 to 1.2 respectively for combo levels 1 and 2

-Increased damage from 135% to 150% and 135% to 155% respectively

-Updated the throwing axe combo

-Added a level 1 heavy attack, a simple melee attack 100% damage

-Added a Statistics screen to the Character tab in the menu

-Leveling up increases Melee Damage Multiplier and Health Regen by .005

-Leveling up decreases Mana Cost Multiplier by .005

-Leveling up increases Mana Regen by 1

Note: Melee Damage Multiplier (MDM) and Mana Cost Multiplier (MCM). These stats have been in the game for a while now, and I figured I may want to shine some light on them. Most if not all were unaware of their existence, but they will likely play larger roles in game play decisions as time goes by. MDM multiplies all damage that you do with melee by itself. Its default value is 1, meaning it does nothing. :p But, with these leveling changes, by level 10 it will be 1.05, meaning all melee damage that your character does is increased by 5%. There is only one piece of equipment thus far that increases it, the Marauder's Cross, but it will be something that you can stat for in the future.
Similarly, MCM decreases the mana costs of all spells you cast. It also begins its life at 1, but instead of increasing, it decreases; spells costing 95% what they originally did at level 10.
I will likely fiddle with the level gains for these a hundred times before I am satisfied

Item Updates:

-Desiccated Healing Sapling

-Increased the experience for consuming from 1 to 2


-The mushrooms dropped by Vulpine Ritualists and others can now be picked up by simply touching them.

Card Updates:

-Vulpine Poisondrinker

-Increased basic attack time from 1 to 2 secs

-Increased basic attack damage from 15 to 25

Enemy Updates:

-Increased general AI stability

-Vulpine Ritualist

-Added an AoE before Fennoc Fire is cast

-Increased movement speed from 200 to 350


-Healing Sapling

-Decreased the experience from 1 to 0

-Increased the mana drop from 1-1 to 2-3

-Added a particle effect as it does damage

-Vulpine Shaman

-Added a warning before minion summoning

-Increased summoning time from 1 to 2.5 secs

-Increased the range for which the shaman will cast thunder egg

-Increased delay for basic attack from 1.5 to 2 secs

-Increased damage from 40 to 65

-Increased the casting delay for both thunder egg and fennoc breath from 1 to 2 secs

-Increased the damage of its thunder egg from 40 to 70

-Crystalline Golem

-Increased basic attack time from 1.5 to 3.5 secs

-Increased base damage from 35 to 90

-Increased Crystalline Barrage cast time from 3.5 to 5 secs

-Increased Crystalline Barrage damage from 10 to 20 per shard, or 50 to 100 for the full attack

-Increased Health from 500 to 650

-Decreased armor from 25 to 20

-Increased mana drop from 20-35 to 40-75

-Increased experience gain from 8 to 12

-Leonen Ironhead

-Increased basic attack time from 1 to 2.5 secs

-Increased basic damage from 45 to 125

-Decreased casting time of Shimmering Bubble from 3 to 2

-Decreased damage of Shimmering Bubble from 25 to 0

-Increased casting time of both Metal Pool and Metal Mist from 0.0 to 1.75 secs

-Increased damage of Metal Mist from 3/tick to 5/tick or 112 to 187 at max

-Increased damage of Metal Pool from .6 to .7 on the first tick or from 12 to 14 on the last tick

-Added an entourage of IronPaws

-Lizard Spearman

-Increased basic attack time from 1 to 2 secs

-Increased basic attack damage from 15 to 35

-Decreased armor from 35 to 15

-Decreased health from 250 to 200

-Increased experience from 4 to 5

-Nameless Snake Enemy

-Increased basic attack time from 1 to 3 secs

-Increased basic attack damage from 50 to 75

-Increased casting time for Scale Storm from 1 to 2 secs

-Increased duration of Scale Storm from 10 to 15 secs

-Can now only cast Scale Storm once

A New Challenger Approaches!

-Leonen IronPaw

The Leonen IronPaw is a foot soldier to the Ironhead's sergeant, they bare their grafted iron upon one of their hands, slowing their movement to an almost crawl. They attack at the same beleaguered speed, allowing gravity to deal most of the damage that they do. They serve as more of a challenge than the Vulpine Ritualists, but much less than some of the stronger fighters. Almost all beasts trump them in ferocity and power.

A New Challenger Approaches!

-Lizard Treefeller

The Treefeller's primary function is, in fact, felling trees, but as sometimes happens, they are occasionally expected to fight. They fight with a combination of melee, using their woodsmen's axes, and thrown weapons. Through all their hard labor supplying wood to Käykäl'niis they have grown strong, providing a significantly higher challenge than the lowly Ritualist or IronPaw, rivaling the Vulpine Shaman or Leonen Ironhead in strength.

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where, sometimes, the description box for items from a merchant wouldn't properly populate with information

-Fixed a bug where, if a follower was summoned on uneven ground, their rotation would match that of the ground

Coming Up:

I've had a few comments about the card system being a bit unwieldy, having to use 1-4, and I've been formulating a way to alleviate that; which should be added next week. So, next week I'll be working on:

-the magic system, and all that entails

-dealing with bugs, there are still a few outstanding ones that keep bothering me

-probably expand the map a bit more

And now for a few screenshots.

This was just a random shot from my latest foray into playing the game myself. It was a nice moment; I remember it was actually feeling like a game, like a game that I was having fun playing. I've said that before, but as it gets built higher and higher it keeps surpassing what it was and it keeps amazing me, I guess. I mean, it's not really anything ground breaking, but it's the fact that I, we, Clouds of Glass Games, made this. It's a really satisfying feeling.

An IronPaw, swinging his iron paw! Which is currently just a sphere on his paw. :p

Sapling explosions! You can see it there in the bottom right. I took a bunch of pictures of this, but this was the only one that wasn't messy as shit. 

The stats menu. I liked the idea of the colored stats when I first thought of it, but now that it's like that, I'm not entirely sure that I do, in fact, like it. :p

Well, that's all I have for now. Hopefully in a few hours I can get the next demo build up. If not, I'll be slaving on my day off because I was an idiot and did SOMETHING that f-ed up the game. u.u

Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Friday, March 24, 2017

Wind Carrier: Pre-Alpha 1.51

Hey all!

The changelog for this week is a bit on the light side as I've had a rather persistent lung infection for the past week. Don't worry, cause I know you would, I'm fine, I just had to do the boring rest thing. I did manage to get through the first season of Futurama again though, so, there's that. :p
Aside from that, most of what was done was retrofitting some more of the creatures to work with the newer combat system. And I'm noticing that as I do get more and more done, I'm liking the way that the game is starting to play. It excites me to think about some of the bigger creatures that my wife or I have designed and how they'll work into all of this.

Change log, 1.51

-reduced the size of the warning mark by about 10%

-fixed the issue of some floating trees :p

-added a warning icon for ice based attacks and abilities that do not do direct damage

-changed the screen congestion from health bars a bit by changing the size and color

-reduced the day speed by 90% because I just now realized that it was way so fast because I was testing something :/

-increased the visibility at night

Enemy Updates:

-Vulpine Trickster

-Increased the attack time for its basic attack from 1.5 to 3.5 secs

-Increased the damage from 30 to 60

-Increased the damage of their burning status effect from 3.5 per tick to 4 per tick

-Increased the delay after teleporting from .5 secs to 1.5 secs (what was I thinking?)

-fixed a bug where it would sometimes teleport above the player

-cleaned up the code a bit

-Faithless Hound

-Increased base damage from 25  to 40

-Fixed the, frankly, embarrassing bug that kept it from doing damage

-Fixed its attack animation


-Added a warning before the spawning of a new Sapling

-Healing Sapling

-Increased delay between damage from tick to 3 seconds

-Increased damage from .15 damage to 3 damage or from 1.5 to 15 in total

-Increased healing from .075 to 1.5 or from .75 to 7.5 in total

-Added an AoE warning and warning sign before attack

-Increased the life from 10 secs to 15 secs

-Added a 10% chance that once killed they will drop the desiccated healing sapling

-Increased experience gain from 0 to 1 (I thought it already was 1)

-Healing Sapling can now leach from allies as well

Note: Philosophy; I wanted to make the Brindlebark fight a bit more engaging as how it stood, it was either you lose because it just heals away everything or you just tank through it and are victorious. With the changes to the saplings themselves, there is now counter-play to be had, since avoiding the attack will avoid the damage and the regen for the Brindlebark.

Coming Up:

While there are a few things in this build, I'm not sure that I'm going to put it up on this week. Now that I'm (almost) over this damn illness I should be able to get the butler system working and we'll be able to just patch nice and easily. But, for next week:

-probably finish off the last of the enemies that haven't been converted 
-work on map tears, I'm aware that there are dozens still out there

I'll probably get, well, the first one done in a couple of days, the other one being an ongoing thing. I'm not sure exactly what I'll do after that is done, but I know it'll be something!

And now, to screenshots!

Look at that thing's mouth, that's some quality animation right there. At least it friggin' works now though. :p

The no-damage thing, shows that an enemy is doing something, but that it is inherently non-dangerous. 

I suppose I could have also used the last one to illustrate the AoE's and widgets for the saplings, but... this one also has the new health bars in it, so I suppose there's that?

Anyway, thanks for being with us for at least one more week. I'm bummed at myself for having to take three dang days off from this but, it was better than killing myself. But, yeah, until next week. 

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Demo 1.0.2

Hello all!

Sorry for the delay. I have uploaded the newest build to which can be found here.

I was unable to get butler up and running seeing as I've come down with something and I simply didn't have the focus to try and figure it out this week. u.u

My apologies.

Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Friday, March 17, 2017

Wind Carrier: Pre-Alpha 1.50

Hello all!

Thank you to all of those who have downloaded our demo and have/are currently playing it! Our next build is currently building as we speak... or as I type? Anyway.

For those that are unaware, we did finally release our demo last week, it is available for download at

As you will see soon below, I have changed the way that change logs work a bit. As a demo exists, I can speak more frankly about exactly what was changed. As such, the headers have been changed to "X Updates" as opposed to "Xs Added." I will also include stuff that has been added in these sections. In addition, I have added a "Bug Fixes" and "Player Updates" sections.

We've another announcement! Our team just grew by one! Welcome Chris Kestner, our writer!

Change log, 1.50

-tweeked the influence levels to 10, 35, 70 from 25, 50, 75

-added some card art, making the deck more readable

-updated tool-tip texts

-updated mana costs for several cards

-added a widget the first time to explain influence the first time that it is relevant

-added text explanations to the beginning widget

-added a "Stunned" state to enemies, now when they get low enough, they will stop acting for a short while, during which time you may choose to kill or subdue them, depending on your goals, killing them nets the same benefits as killing them before, but subduing them keeps influence from going up or down. Be aware, leaving them without a decision for long enough will have them come back into the fight with a percent of their health regained

-added a warning widget that appears when enemies begin to attack, it persists for the length of the attack and gives you the type of damage that it will be, not telling you specifically what it is. It gives combat a more dynamic feel, still in testing

-starting a new game now properly resets the deck

-added a coordinates widget to the HUD so that all those intrepid adventurers out there can report map tears and other anomalies (-credits Septerian)

Player Updates:

-added combo level 3 for the scythe, a quick attack akin to combo level 4, but without the regen

-added a feature, where holding one of the card cast buttons (1-4) will summon an AoE widget, indicating exactly where and how large the spell effect will be. As a side note, I just realized that some of you may be unaware of the acronym AoE, not everyone is as big of a nerd as me. :p It stands for "Area of Effect."

-the camera now controls the direction of card usage

-increased the length of the camera boom from 325 to 375

Card Updates:

-Increased the max range of all cards from 400 to 1200

-Nerfed the damage of Thunder Egg from 60 to 45

Enemy Updates:

-Added AoE decals to each enemy spell/ card

-Buffed Vulpine Ritualist damage from 10 to 35, attack time increase to 2 seconds from 1 second

-Buffed Fennoc Fire damage from .5 per tick to 2 per tick (or 10 to 40), cast time decreased to 2 seconds from 3 seconds

Bug Fixes:

-From the race select, if you chose anything other than Vulpine, then switch back to Vulpine, the race would remain the first choice. (-credits Septerian)

-When placing only a single card was in the deck, the hand would not refresh properly

-Fixed a bug where the player's melee damage was 50 higher than intended (sorry guys :p)

-Removed a few "Print" commands that didn't need to exist any longer

Coming Up:

I'm gonna check out's "butler" system here in a bit and hopefully make it simpler for you fine folk to download updates; as opposed to having to redownload the whole thing each time.

For the next week, my priority will probably be making things work how they should:

   -fixing map tears
   -working on the melee and magic systems
   -updating more enemies to work with the new combat system that I've devised

And other such things. A little more card art may be added, if I, or AJ are feeling artsy enough.

And onto screenshots!

The AoE circle widget.

The AoE square/rectangle widget.

The coordinate widget... which I'm not sure why I took a picture of seeing as it is in most of the others as well. It's the yellow numbers in the lower left above the deck though.

Warning widget - Fire

Warning widget - Physical
I'm not entirely sure if these kinds of things will remain in the game forever. Certainly attacks with wind-ups that deal large amounts of damage will be, but I'm not sure about the obvious widgets.

The stunned state. I took quite a few pictures, and this was the one with the best star configuration... they didn't want to agree with me today, I guess.

Some quick card art. The borders of the cards will denote the tier of the card: white for tier 1, grey for tier 2, and black for tier 3.

I would like to thank again all those that have downloaded our demo. We here at Clouds of Glass Games really do appreciate it, dearly. 
The next build should be up in either a few hours or tomorrow, depending on how's butler system works and whether or not the next version wants to pack nice and easily. I will post another blog update when that happens, though. Until then.

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Hello, it's AJ here for change!

I've nothing great to report, but I figured I owed it to Lucas, at least to throw something out here.
Make him feel less like he's alone with it the project.

Recently been having a hard time with personal things and medical, so I have not been able to sit on computer for long stretches of time to do anything useful. BUT! I am again, slowly, working on doing art.
It's mostly on the basis of what I am interested in or have the feeling for, but my work will always be more on the background than anything else.

Even if I don't always finish the things I start, I've been told that anything is better than nothing.
So, with that, I will just accept that and do what I am able to or feel capable of.

Here's something I've worked on, a little yesterday and a bit right now.

Art for the "Faithful Hound" card.
As you can see, it's in a very early state right now, but it's coming along, at least.
Didn't want to go with the usual "combat dog" thing, seeing as even the name hints (to me, personally) more towards companion than anything else. Even though it does bite things. ;)

And here are some rather random ideas I drew on a tablet, in midst of watching some netflix.
Nothing staying, art wise, but things I like enough to keep around and work on the ideas of them.

Root deer
A very rough sketch of an idea for a spell or something of the like. 
A stag, made entirely out of roots and other ground stuff, summoned out of the ground. Probably to horribly attack the current threat? 

It amuses me, and I like deer, shush.

A fellow wearing some sort of moss stuff. I like the creature itself (maybe because it is fairly deer like?), so I will probably turn that into something, or maybe just the coloration of it?

On another note, I've slaved Lucas to learn some things for me, so he can teach me how to do them.
And then, I could get my hands on texturing the already existing models!

Anyway, that's about that for me.  

Thanks for reading and have a great night. <3

Friday, March 10, 2017

Wind Carrier: Pre-Alpha 1.49 & Demo 1.0.1

Hello all, Update Time!

Edit Time!
We have our page!

Enjoy our very rough demo. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have another soul crushing job to get to, woo!

As I'm sure you all know, I have been working on getting the game ready to be demo'd by you fine people. Well, I have been successful! We also have a name! Wind Carrier!

The game is still very rough, as I'm sure you'd guess, but at least soon all of you will be able to try it if you'd like; get a feel for it, that is.

I will include a set of: fixes, known issues, and controls; all in separate text files along with the game.

As soon as I get the demo zipped and uploaded, I'll edit this post with a link.

I'm shooting for monthly releases.

If you have questions or comments or bugs, you can contact us here or at

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Friday, March 3, 2017

Pre-Alpha 1.48

Hello all. This week I worked on more optimization and dealing with some of the art and readability of the game. Not a whole bunch on the gameplay side this week, but these things happen.
Now, onto the change-log.

Change log, 1.48

-Added a dodge, still requires testing

-Fiddled with the day/night cycle

-Tweaked the water materials

-Worked on foliage placement

-Increased map size

-Dealt with some optimization

-bugs, of course

-added a small widget to easily identify material nodes

I should really start keeping track of each and every, single bug that I deal with, I mean, it could eventually become relevant. >.>

But, screenshots!

Not quite sure why I took this one... but random screenshot then. :p

Darkness and fireflies!

A shot of the coastline.

The aforementioned widget, nice and simple. 

 Each of the current icons that can appear in the game.

The game isn't quite ready to be demo'd, but I'm QUITE hopeful about this week being the week that we finally get to see a crappy, pre-alpha demo of this thing. That'll be my main goal, getting it finally ready for all you fine folk.

Until next week, or maybe sooner, >.>

-Lucas Cady
Project Director