Friday, December 30, 2016

30.12 Update

Hello, all. This week's update is even shorter than last's but, I have good news at least. As the holidays were last week, my focus was more on my family than progressing here, but I did manage to re-do a couple of animations to get them to read better and managed to get a asset-light way for poison/health regeneration down pat.
And most importantly, I have transferred the project to another computer and it works perfectly. So the problem is, indeed, with my original computer. At least for now, I will be working off from the other PC, but progress can now continue as scheduled.

I've not a screenshot to share this week, sadly, but there should be plenty of news next week. Until then...

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Thursday, December 22, 2016

23.12 Update

Hello, all! Today's update isn't a game update, exactly, as I have been having trouble getting UE4 to do anything. Though, it seems that the problem may have something more to do with my processor and less to do with the engine itself. More testing is needed to verify anything certainly, but...
I have been working in blender for the majority of the week, creating new meshes for building, mostly. I have started the scythe weapon class, the first scythe has been finished and the idle is up and ready for import. More than anything though, I have been thinking about the game itself and theory-crafting ways to implement the game play elements that I have been thinking of this past week.
I want the game's ultimate goal to be up to the player. I loved the way that the stories were implemented in the game series Mount and Blade. The stories existed, but they didn't really get in the way of the game play, if that's not what you wanted. I have thusly decided that the player will not have to complete any “main” quest at all. All of the quests within the game will be side quests, as it were. Storylines will exists, of course; this, this, this, and that all moving forward, leading toward a conclusion, but that entry and ultimate conclusion will only exist if the player really wants them to. I'm not sure about you, but the main quest generally gets in my way more often than not; the quests are far too structured, they drag on and on, and they never quite seem to be as interesting as the minute-to-minute game play. I like the structured sandbox.
Advancement through the Ages will not be tied to any questline, but to the advancement of the players civilization. Well, the option will be tied to it. The player will be able to ultimately decide when they want to proceed through to the next Age.
I feel like I'm rambling, another long week of shitty retail-hell.
I've an example of the game play that I am trying to create in Project Myrsky. To the south of the player's home is a displaced civilization, the as-of-yet-unnamed lizard race. They've been driven from their ancestral home by the also-as-of-yet-unnamed lion race. The Lions are currently the dominant force within the continent of Goldwrath. Now, you, as the player, can decide to do absolutely nothing about that if that so tickles your fancy. But doing so, and advancing ages, may end up badly. Leaving the Lions to their own devices, they decide that they've enough problems already and do not feel the need to deal with the Lizards, knowing full well that they will want their lands back eventually. The Lions will eliminate them. That little Lizard encampment south of your burgeoning civilization will now be a Lion's war-camp. And if you leave it as it is after that, who knows?
Consequences. Choices and consequences. Cause and effect. That is what I really want this game to be about. I love those choices that have far reaching, unknowable consequences.
You've slain the Lion's chieftan, their cities but hot ash, along your travels you find a lone Lioness, carrying a babe. Her clothes are tattered and it seems she is malnourished. If you leave her as she is, she will likely starve, the child along with her. You could end her, spare them the slow death, or you could be merciful; you are the mighty Wind Carrier, after all. The world respects you, and watches you. This Lion child could be a powerful ally, but what of his children? Or his children's children? Only time and the Winds can tell.
Another aspect that I have been considering is that of diminishing belief. In the young years of Goldwrath, all know and revere the Wind Carrier, but as centuries roll on, it is hard for some groups to believe in him at all. Those that are touched by the Wind Carrier, those that are helped, those that are harmed, they know; and they won't forget. But those that are ignored? Unseen? Neglected? They will come to lose their faith, they will stray, their mages growing ever stronger by the day. Why do they need faith in a miracle so far away, when they themselves can do as the Wind Carrier is said to be able to.
Your people should come first, however. But, they needn't. If the needs of the wild call you, Wind Carrier, it is up to you to answer them. Who are those simple folk to stop you when Indariil needs its shaman?
Grandeur, I know. I have no delusion that this game will be an easy feat, nor do I believe that it can be accomplished by just me in any decent amount of time. This will be a long-running project, I don't know what I'll do with myself once it is finished. :p

As always, a couple of screen shot:
One of the aforementioned "buildings" that isn't really a building. I have no idea why I wanted to model a raft... but I did.

A single frame of the scythe idle. I assure you, however, that it does indeed move. :p

With Christmas just around the corner and UE4 not wanting to be a nice, little game engine and just work with me, the progress for next week will likely be minimal. I will work more in Blender, I am sure and work more on theory-crafting. I spend almost all my free time at work writing this little notebook that my wife bought for me at one point. It'll soon be full. :o

Something that I was working on and wanted to share. The aforementioned Lizards, their elder asks your help with a bit of an issue, not being entirely straightforward with their intent. She wants you to slay a pesky serpent that has been keeping her men away from a nearby grove that would provide enough wood for them to expand for generations. Should you slay the serpent, you may return to the elder for your reward, increasing your influence over them and opening yourself up to several more options. With the grove snake free, you can simply build your own lumber camp within it, effectively blocking the Lizards from its use, but giving your civilization the boosts from it. This will, of course, cause some animosity, but are your people more important to you than the Lizards? 
If you leave the camp unbuilt, at the begging of the next age, you will find that they have built their own camp, along with a massive expansion to their civilization. And now, you'll find it hard to expand anywhere south of your home, blocking yourself off from further advancement in that direction... unless of course you do something else about it... You could always just let them be, they certainly won't do anything to anger the Wind Carrier, even when their space begins to butt right up against yours, right?

Anywho, I can feel that damn sleep-fairy tugging at my eyelids; the little hoe. Until next week..

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Friday, December 16, 2016

Pre-Alpha 1.34

 Bleh. This damn update has been impeding my progress instead of making it better. The update that I speak of being UE4.14. As of 4.14.1, the crashes are LESS frequent, but still occur much more frequently than they did in 4.13. Alas. We've still got a few things, nothing too major, as I said, I have been mostly fighting with the damn engine this past week. :/
It now seems that it is the details panel within the blueprint editor that has been causing the lion's share of crashes as of late. At least I have some idea what is doing it now.

Change log, 1.34

-Added the material node for stone
-Increased the length of civ building
-Updated some materials
-Added simple “follower” AI
-Updated a few particle effects
-Added about 8 animations for random NPC's (Blender was my friend this week :p)

Items Added:

-Harvester's Pouch, an accessory, it increases your civ's farming yield by a percentage

Cards Added:

-Unnamed upgrade to Shimmering Bubble, summons a metal shield that physically blocks anything headed your way for a time

Enemies Added:

None :/

And now something that our play tester actually suggested and has been waiting for with bated breath...

We have a combo system!

I have figured out the logic for melee combos, which, after some consideration, was a hell of a lot easier than I had been trying to make it (enumerators are OP.) The system works by cycling between several different “levels” of combo, each different attack, light and heavy, doing separate things and moving you to different levels through each attack.
An example:
Our simple spear, following with just light attacks, you will head down a relatively simple combo path, straight to level 4; 1,2,3,4. But, using heavies at one, cycles you to two, then two back to one. Effectively allowing you to spam a back and fourth attack, with a larger AoE. But the heavy attack also has a level 4 combo which is inaccessible by just using the heavy attack. One must, at the least use – LLLH, in order to access it.
The spear is a rather simple weapon. When we start talking about the heavy AoE scythes or the evasive daggers, things start to get a bit more interesting.

Anywho, screenshot time; most of them are from blender this week, as UE4 was being uncooperative with those as well.
The well that was added recently. Building it increases reproduction chance, as clear, easy-to-access water is one of those things that simply increases the chances of successful child birth and increases survivablity in general of a growing population... yes. :p I've the next dozen or so, wait, let me count quick...the next 13 town upgrades planned; most of them require new static meshes to be made, but I am excited about what it will become in the near future.

The harvester's pouch. Not super exciting, but I like it. 

The unnamed metal shield I spoke up eariler, the prop viewer works just fine, so that's where it came from. I like the effect that I got off from this one. Material functions too OP.

A cross-legged idle, probably only for NPC's. I have been playing Witcher 3 recently, and the shear number of animations in that game is staggering. They add such lovely ambiance to it as well. Expect more useless animations like that. I do so love a world with ambiance.

A wall-leaning idle, see above, ambiance and what not.

And another random idle animation.

Those along with about five others are waiting to get placed in the game. They import well enough, but when I start to try to play with Persona at all, which is UE4's animation editor, it starts to crash again. But, I am hopeful that by this time next week, the damn problem will be fixed. If it has not been, then I suppose I will have more animations and a ton more clothing to show off.
It especially blows since I have the next three days off and can nary work on actual gameplay at all.

Upcoming (hopefully):

If all works out and they get these bugs fixed:

 -Finish the combo system off, get it up and working completely for all the weapons already in the game
-Fix a loading problem that is proving annoying to pin down
-Lengthen the civ, add more cards, build more to the world

But, until next week,
-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Friday, December 9, 2016

Pre-Alpha 1.33

Hello all! This update is a couple hours later than usual, and I apologize for that. Apparently, I was so damn tired, that I fell asleep watching SaltyBets with my wife and one of my friends. But! There was a lot added this week in the way of logic, not so much in the way of physical things - all of which you'll be able to read in the change log. 

Change log, 1.33

-Added several static meshes
-Revamped the way that building spawning happens, allowing for many fewer problems to occur
-Increased the amount of civ building the player can do
-Fixed a couple dumb mistakes in the AI

Items Added:

None :(

Cards Added:

-Healing Motes, tier 2 upgrade of healing well, summons a swarm of healing spirits that heal the player and those near them, along with damaging enemies nearby
-Crystalline Barrage, tier 1, drops from the Crystalline Golem enemy, fires a line of crystal projectiles
-Crystalline Stream, tier 2 upgrade of Crystalline Barrage, fires a longer, faster barrage of projectiles
-Mana-laden Cloud, tier 1, spawns a quick rain shower that quickly regenerates the players mana, heals a percentage, thus remaining useful throughout the game

Enemies Added:

Haljuhurtta, an Aenahi, a canine class of supernatural creatures

We have an actual use for village upgrades!

Villagers will now do several things, depending on the type. All of them will increase your mana crystals, once per day, at dawn. This amount can be modified with various buildings that one can construct. Along with the aforementioned mana crystals, specialists will also produce one primary and one or more secondary material resources for the player.

Woodsman - Lumber and produce
Hunters - Hides
Miners - Stone and Clay
Farmers - Produce, hides, and clay

Along with the resources, they also have the chance to reproduce, either through finding lost settlers, aiding those in need, or the more traditional way *cough*.

We also have the Ages!

Well, okay, we have the logic for the ages. It just came to me one day while I was standing stocking Ocean Spray juice on an end-cap. And I had to quickly scrawl the idea on the sheet of paper that I had my new work schedule on with a very thick, very bleedy marker. But! I have tested the logic, and it works perfectly. It also doesn't leave a huge ass foot print like the idea I was toying with before.
So, to recap on that, moving through the Ages is now, technically, possible. It does nothing, and updates nothing, but it CAN happen. :p

Other news!

We've a writer that has contacted us with interest in working with us on this project. From what I have seen so far, he seems promising. I need to read through a few more of his works, and then probably give him a test assignment, but we may have a new member of our team soon! And taking anything off from my shoulders would be greatly welcomed.

In other news, I have upgraded to UE4 14.4... and the bastard seems to love crashing at random intervals – most usually in the particle editor. Random bit of my frustration, I suppose. 

And as always, screenshots! Not all of which were taken today in a hurry, because I couldn't do my pre-update work last night...
First up, the Haljuhurtta. I hate that particle system more than anything ever. The creature floats, leaving behind it a smog or haze.... I'll need to work on it quite a bit before I am happy with it. 

Just  a shot from behind your village at its current, final stages.

I completely forgot that his guy existed if you upgraded your village right, thus I needed to share. :p

A shot of the resource screen, with population increase and all.

I was trying to take a shot of that small group of villagers that spawn as an offshoot of your main area, but got attacked and then the day started, and the whole thing was just moderately amusing to me.
And because UE4 kept crashing when I tried, ugh, here is the current Lioness, in Blender.

Welp, that's all I have for this week. Each week, it feels like it gets bigger and better; I suppose that's how it's supposed to go, eh?

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Friday, December 2, 2016

Pre-Alpha 1.32

Hello, all. I am here with my weekly update and change log. Not a whole bunch of interesting stuff was added this week. The most interesting being the Male and Female Lizard models finally getting updated. But, here's the log.

Change log, 1.32

-Updated the amount of grass that spawns, and added a small lily of the valley plant to the random grass spawns
-Finally added scalability options (oh what fun that was u.u)
-Got a new version of the game into the hands of that lazy, lazy play-tester :p
-Added a few images here and there
-Updated the shrines, making them more efficient
-Male and Female Lizard Models updated
-Fixed a few bugs with the upgrading system
-Added a few set pieces and various static meshes to the game

Items Added:

-Kuutar Set added: Amulet, Regalia, and hood. The set specializes in mana regen.

Cards Added:

-Ice Nova, the tier two upgrade of wall of ice, a delayed blast of frozen shards
-Crown of Ice, tier three upgrade of Bastion of ice
-Shimmering Bubble, tier one card, knocks back the first enemy to come into contact with it

Enemies Added:

-Feral Canine, a simple feral, canine enemy, tends to bite


As I am probably going to leave the characters models just about as is until I can afford an upgrade to Maya, I will likely start work on adding more races to the game. Most likely Lions and some kind of cervine next. 
Over the past few days, I've been monkeying with the AI quite a bit, it seems to be working better, but only time, and play testing, will really tell. On that note, I've been working on getting summoned AI up and running too. So far everything works fine, minus the fact that the summoned AI loves to run off and get itself murdered. Though, I suppose that's how it always works, isn't it? :p
I've been thinking quite a bit about the actual mechanics for the PC to be able to influence the world around them, specifically, the other civilizations. I've come up with, what I believe to be, a clever system for dealing with it. But, then I ran into a snag. It seems that all the real boons that one could receive come from helping your neighbors, not hindering them. Some will find enough reason in disliking one group or another, but to me, that isn't enough. I've always tried to save as many as I could, unless I was roleplaying a dickhead. I'll be thinking about this for sometime, but I do love the idea of difficult decisions. 
   -Iterate the skeletal mesh to another race, likely Lions
   -Continue adding cards, I failed to flesh out all the base cards as the task proved a bit more difficult than I had expected
   -Set up the basics for civilization helping/hindering
   -And, as always, just keep adding more stuff

I leave you, again, dear, readers, with a few screenshots. 

Just another random area from the world, South West from the player's home.

The heads of the lizards! The biggest differences in them are these. Being a non-mammalian race, it would have felt silly to give the females breasts. As such, the male is slightly larger in most aspects, has a shorter snout, and a bit of a dorsal ridge.

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Monday, November 28, 2016

A bit of a tutorial

Hello, all. Surprised? I sure am. I promised to post something about the shrines early this week once I was less dying of exhaustion, and this is that.

Alright, the new female lizard model is up and working, as illustrated here and in every single other screenshot that I have for you today. 

In order to use the shrines, one must kneel before them and offer their prayers to the forest of the Winds. Doing so also heals the player completely, mana and health.

Doing so brings up this handy little screen here. You have two options from this point. 

You can use the shrine to upgrade your cards, as evidenced here. Each upgrade, as of now, only costs mana crystals, but I'm thinking that some of the stronger Unique cards would require other resources, possibly rare resources. But I digress. Let's choose Bastion of Ice.

What's this? It seems that the Bastion of Ice card can be upgraded again, and for free even... hmm. I suppose, why not?
The other option, Channel, allows you to dissolve your unwanted cards into their base mana crystals, effectively working as a store would. I decided that it would make more sense, thematically, to have you "sell" your unwanted cards at a shrine as the average resident of Goldwrath would have no use for something that can only be wielded by a shaman. 
A side note: the eagle-eyed viewers will notice that the new shrine static mesh does not have collision yet. I did not know this until the screenshot was taken. :p

Now, let's see, what is this Crown of Ice card? It seems fancy. I wonder what it could do...

I have become death!

I took wanted to share this screenshot with you because it is a momentous occasion for me. It is the first time that I actually got something to drop from one of those damn Vulpine Ritualists. I have notorious bad luck in getting things to drop, but since this was literally the first drop out of hundreds, I decided to double the drop rate... Maybe I'm just bitter?

I almost forgot this one. And thus, I leave you with a stubby lizard tail. :p

And that wraps this up. I shall post the weekly update, well, when it should be posted. Until then...

Lucas Cady
-Project Director

PS: I am rebuilding that dammed lighting as we speak. u.u

Friday, November 25, 2016

Pre-Alpha 1.31

 A Friday update on a Friday? I suppose up until this one, the Friday updates were really Thursday updates... but! Got another big-ish update near the bottom of the change log. Not too many new meshes were added this week. My mind is kinda blank at the moment, being in the middle of a six day work week. Never work retail on Black Friday.
To the change log!

Change log, 1.31

-Updated the grass texture... again
-Finished the last tiny updates to the Vulpine female mesh
-Iterated to the Vulpine male
-Added another section to the map
-Added the Soul Crystal node, has a random chance to drop the soul crystal item, along with Mana crystals.
-Squashed some bugs within the saving system

Items Added:

-Serrated Spear
-Juicy pear, potion item
-Soul Crystal, add permanent max mana

Cards Added:

-Fennoc Breath, direct upgrade of the Fennoc Fire card, essentially a flamethrower
-Bastion of Ice, an upgraded Wall of Ice card that slows enemies as well

Enemies Added:

-Vulpine Poisondrinker, an intermediate vulpine enemy that exhales a massive cloud of poison when combat begins

We have evolution!

Card evolution has been added to the game!
It is performed at the various shrines throughout the land and currently costs nothing! But it will, so don't get too attached to it. :p
Along with that, the shrines will provide another important function, they will be the place where you can channel your unwanted cards into mana crystals to spend on other things, like upgrading more cards!
Edit: Scratch that, upgrading costs mana crystals now! ;p


I've only tentative plans for next week, but I should be able to make more progress than this week, seeing as how I will have almost a free week from the horrors of retail. Tentatively:
-Update the Male and Female Lizard Meshes
-Fill out the tier two upgrade trees of the first 6-ish cards, maybe get a tier three in there
-Work on some 2D widget art, most of it is just default UE4 stuff right now and it's rather ugly
-I would like to get a mini-explanation of the shrines up here, complete with pictures

That's all the important stuff that I tentatively feel will get done next week. As always, I leave you will some random-ass screen shots.

A pulled back view of the current map. As you can see, it needs some work, not just in size, but in smoothing the transitions between each map section.

The male Vulpine, complete for now! 
Along with a display of the random textures that I am currently using for card pictures. :p

Pellervoisen Lahja, an item that was added in a previous version of the game. It currently increases the player's max health by a percent, still needs testing. Also, the tentatively named Stumpy Steve in the background.

The Fennoc Breath spell card in use.

The first of several small shrines to be found outside of your own village. The wood walls and stone floor will be removed. I remembered those just now as I am typing this...

A massive mana crystal! They are scattered throughout the land, and, like all gathering, can be gathered without any tools. They, along with the crystals the land uses for currency, are the solidified form of the mana that flows through all life - even the soul is made from such mana.

And finally, a screenshot of the tutorial level. As you can see, the lighting needs to be rebuilt on it. :/
The things I only notice when I post screenshots.

-Lucas Cady

Project Director

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Whew. The change log is rather short this week, but the with the addition of the card system and some plans that I have finally made, I feel that it is a bit forgivable. Up first, the change log.

Change log, 1.30

-Cards have been implemented
-They still require testing, as does everything
-There are currently 6 cards available

-Pruned out-dated code
-Made a few larger changes to the map
-Dealt with the vast majority of ground tears
-Updated grass texture
-Implemented the first random encounter and the spawning logic for future such encounters
-Updated the base hut mesh a bit
-Changed resources and weapon types to enumerators to make future additions easier
-Updated the town upgrading system to make future iteration simpler

Items Added:

-Pellervoisen Lahja, a small, rare seed that permanently increases player health (either by a percentage or a flat amount, I have yet to decide)

Cards Added:

-Thunder Egg, a basic spell card, moves in random directions and does damage
-Wall of Ice, deals slow DoT and blocks movement
-Myrskyn Purema, an intermediate spell, dashes quickly in a line, damaging everything hit, one of the evolutions for the Thunder Egg card
-Fennoc Fire, a basic fire spell, burns quickly and intensely
-Healing Well, a aoe spell that heals allies within
-Hummingbird Sprite, the first summons spell, a small sprite follows the player and heals them periodically, currently not actually a hummingbird (and now it is!) :p

Enemies Added:

-Hummingbird Sprite, heals enemies in it's immediate vicinity

Now that that is out of the way, I'd like to talk a bit about cards and my goals involving that. Currently, I have about seven card trees entirely planned out; the first six that I think I mentioned in the change log, and another that has yet to be made. My intention is that every single card in the game, baring fully upgraded cards, will be able to upgrade into at least two options. For example, the simple Wall of Ice card, available from near the start:

Wall of Ice
Bastion of Ice or Ice Nova
JääSilmä or Crown of Ice or Frozen Standard....................Flash Freeze or Frigid Guard

The simple Wall of Ice itself, can produce five separate cards once fully evolved from a: transform, to a buff, to a normal spell, to a summon. 
To me, magic has always been a huge part of any kind of fantasy game, and as such, I plan to have my magic as huge and intriguing and diverse as possible. From the JääSilmä, a transformation card that has the player morph into a massive, golem of solid ice to the cloak of scales buff that grants the player a flowing trail of iridescent scales, used in teleportation magic and distraction, to the Circle of Immortality AoE, which literally grants immortality to all those (friend and foe) within for the duration... Magic, to me, is magical and that's how I plan to implement it. 
That was part of how I wanted to improve upon the great design set forth by the Lost Kingdoms pair, ultimately, the pair fell short on making the player FEEL powerful, whether they were or not. The other big problem, one that my play tester bemused, often at length, was that the player was not directly involved in the game play. Sure, they played the cards, they summoned the monsters, but ultimately it was all the cards that did all the work - and that was something that I wanted changed. 
There are few that I've fleshed out enough to feel good about sharing them, but an example, in card form, is the Rockdancer's Descent card. The card is simple enough, the player leaps into the air, and drops down to the ground some distance ahead, but it scales itself based on the weapon that the player has equipped, dealing more damage if a spear is held. The card is designed to approach the enemy, to enter the fray so you can personally deal with them. It is also why I decided to make the capture mechanic come straight from melee damage - this way, if the player wishes to expand their deck simply and cheaply, they must risk themselves, enter melee range, and attack the enemies themselves. 
There is no wrong way to play the game, however, there will be options to play either as almost full caster or full melee/ ranged attacker. There will, and already are, cards that support multiple play styles. 
Enough blabbing for now, here's a couple screenshots for the end, as always.
The Hummingbird Sprite as it appears in the editor... I tried to take a proper screenshot of it in game, but it is rather small. I need to learn how to make gifs here soon, so I can show you all what the animations actually look like. 

I changed the intensity of the sun and thought that the horizon actually looked almost pretty. I like it quite a bit better now. A bit of side info: if you're curious why the character model is always of the female vulpine, it is because that is the only model that is currently good enough to be shown. The male vulpine and the lizards are all iterated from older models, with the female vulpine being the "parent"so to speak. 

Until next time, probably something sometime this week as I feel I will be adding things that are too exciting to wait on again. 

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Edit: I have begun searching for a file hosting site through which to host the games... files? Yes. I am currently considering Gotta do a bit of research, but that should be relatively soon.

Monday, November 14, 2016


I was going to wait until Friday, or late Thursday, to post the update, but I'm far too excited to wait on this part, at least. As I promised, I was going to look into card implementation... and I am happy to announce that I have been successful! There are currently only something like six cards, and they will all be explained along with the rest of the updates later, but here's a few screenshots of various bits of the card collection process.
Hmm, what could this be?

A card? That clearly states that it is mysterious and powerful? Count me in!

I see, that's what that annoying, kinda in-the-way widget was for!

This is so much easier than stabbing those bastards to death!

Mwaha! But wait... if I just blast them all into oblivion via this magical, mysterious egg of raw herculean power, it seems that they only drop these damn mushrooms that I can find anywhere...

I wonder if I stab them good and hard enough...

Ahha! Another card! What a lucky day!

Oh, some asshole hasn't programmed this yet... it's just an empty bit of card-stock. What a prick.

As you can see, most of the main functionality is up and running. I still need to code in the card leveling and evolution, but that shouldn't be too far away either. 

As is, additional cards can either be purchased or found or captured. Each enemy that you will encounter in the game will be capturable. Those Vulpine Ritualists will be simple enough, but once you start encountering things that require a few more than three stabs with your trusty monster-stabber, then you'll need to be more careful about it. Capturing, as my tiny tutorial above has shown, is done through melee attacking - only your melee attacking, transformations do not count. Any creature that is killed by your weapon will be captured into a card which you can use or  not, depending on how you feel. 

Well, now that my proverbial load has been blown early, I will see you all again on Friday for the changelog (now pre-alpha 1.30) and some more screenshots.

 -Lucas Cady
Project Director

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Hello to all those that have an interest at all! I am here to give you your weekly update on Project Myrsky, it's not quite Friday yet, but at least if I do it now, I can't forget tomorrow. It has technically gone through two small updates since my first post: from 1.2 to 1.21 and then to 1.22. That's only a technicality since our current play tester got a copy of the game AFTER I had posted my first post here. But!

Update Notes, 1.20 to 1.22

-Updated several world meshes
-Updated the tutorial map
-Added a widget that appears over the heads of interact-able NPC's
-Updated the drop charts for the Vulpine Cultist to include the items that are equipped on them
-The other foes will get similar treatment as soon as possible
-Updated the spear meshes to properly work with the current animation sets
-Updated the Kuutar Rockdancer's leap attack to properly display the particle effect and transport the Rockdancer to the player's location
-Nerfed the damage the Vulpine Cultist's fennoc fire does per second
-Added the "Warpaint" item class. Their main function is add survivability in the form of health or mana regen
-Added a description widget and simple descriptions to each of the current items
-Added the functionality to travel to different maps.
        -Currently the only map to be traveled to from the main over world is a small cave directly behind the player's house.
-Updated the female Vulpine mesh, hopefully for the last time
-Iteration to the male and other races should follow soon
-The lake and rivers south of the player start point can no longer be walked upon
-Added lily pads
-Updated attack speed animations for dagger and spears
-Added the throwing ax weapon class
-Lengthened the wait time for kneeling at shrines
-Fixed the barrier at the end of the tutorial as to no longer be traversable
-Lengthened the duration of the dialogue widgets all around
-Tutorial dialogue finally stops the player's movement as it should
-Fixed the chasm on the left side of the tutorial map that caused players to get stuck
-Added a simple explanation of the goal of the tutorial in a simple widget from the Elder at the top of the hill
-Fixed equipped item saving issues
-Pruned some out-of-date code
-Updated Vulpine Ritualist drop charts
-Changed several materials within the game to reflect how the material would actually deal with light in reality
-Updated the clothing class of equipment to include an inherent move speed bonus or penalty

Enemies Added:

-Added a new enemy class, the Crystalline Golem
-Added the Stumpy Steve enemy (name obviously pending change)
      -spawns minions, who, if alive once it dies, turn into consumables!
      -currently needs a bit of testing

Items Added:

-Dragon Bone Armor, dropped by the Vulpine Shamans
-Ritualist Red warpaint, dropped by the Vulpine Ritualists
-Deep Purple warpaint, to be dropped by Vulpine Shamans
-Blossoming Pink warpaint (currently unavailable, will be purchasable from Vulpine shops, however)
-Dagger of Crystallized Flame, dropped by the Crystalline Golem

-Added potions in the form of mushrooms, they currently heal about 15 health per use


I figured I could also post a few more screen shots each week, or whenever the mood strikes me.

 The current design for the Kuutar village in the base age, along with a few new items.

A few screenshots from near the Vulpine village.

I figured since people would actually be seeing them now, I should do something that I had been putting off for a while. I re-did the eyes! They only come in blue for now, but the color will, of course, be choose-able at character creation.

These last two are a bit different. This is the current texture that is being used in our healing particle effects...

And this is texture that will be representing poisons! 

Both need a bit of updating, but the effects in game are infinitely more satisfying than the simple puffs that were there before.

This week:

     My plans for this week include, but are not limited to:

-Finally implementing the deck widgets into the game. As you have seen, the widgets for the hand are there, as is the choosing logic for the cards and dealing with the various effects that they can cause. 

-Adding eye-color functionality, not difficult, just tedious.

-Adding, at least one more creature type.

-Updating drop charts and adding more equipment to be dropped.

-Possibly re-implementing the shops that I had working in a previous version, but have since grown obsolete.

And that's all for the weekly.

-Lucas Cady
Project Director