Friday, November 25, 2016

Pre-Alpha 1.31

 A Friday update on a Friday? I suppose up until this one, the Friday updates were really Thursday updates... but! Got another big-ish update near the bottom of the change log. Not too many new meshes were added this week. My mind is kinda blank at the moment, being in the middle of a six day work week. Never work retail on Black Friday.
To the change log!

Change log, 1.31

-Updated the grass texture... again
-Finished the last tiny updates to the Vulpine female mesh
-Iterated to the Vulpine male
-Added another section to the map
-Added the Soul Crystal node, has a random chance to drop the soul crystal item, along with Mana crystals.
-Squashed some bugs within the saving system

Items Added:

-Serrated Spear
-Juicy pear, potion item
-Soul Crystal, add permanent max mana

Cards Added:

-Fennoc Breath, direct upgrade of the Fennoc Fire card, essentially a flamethrower
-Bastion of Ice, an upgraded Wall of Ice card that slows enemies as well

Enemies Added:

-Vulpine Poisondrinker, an intermediate vulpine enemy that exhales a massive cloud of poison when combat begins

We have evolution!

Card evolution has been added to the game!
It is performed at the various shrines throughout the land and currently costs nothing! But it will, so don't get too attached to it. :p
Along with that, the shrines will provide another important function, they will be the place where you can channel your unwanted cards into mana crystals to spend on other things, like upgrading more cards!
Edit: Scratch that, upgrading costs mana crystals now! ;p


I've only tentative plans for next week, but I should be able to make more progress than this week, seeing as how I will have almost a free week from the horrors of retail. Tentatively:
-Update the Male and Female Lizard Meshes
-Fill out the tier two upgrade trees of the first 6-ish cards, maybe get a tier three in there
-Work on some 2D widget art, most of it is just default UE4 stuff right now and it's rather ugly
-I would like to get a mini-explanation of the shrines up here, complete with pictures

That's all the important stuff that I tentatively feel will get done next week. As always, I leave you will some random-ass screen shots.

A pulled back view of the current map. As you can see, it needs some work, not just in size, but in smoothing the transitions between each map section.

The male Vulpine, complete for now! 
Along with a display of the random textures that I am currently using for card pictures. :p

Pellervoisen Lahja, an item that was added in a previous version of the game. It currently increases the player's max health by a percent, still needs testing. Also, the tentatively named Stumpy Steve in the background.

The Fennoc Breath spell card in use.

The first of several small shrines to be found outside of your own village. The wood walls and stone floor will be removed. I remembered those just now as I am typing this...

A massive mana crystal! They are scattered throughout the land, and, like all gathering, can be gathered without any tools. They, along with the crystals the land uses for currency, are the solidified form of the mana that flows through all life - even the soul is made from such mana.

And finally, a screenshot of the tutorial level. As you can see, the lighting needs to be rebuilt on it. :/
The things I only notice when I post screenshots.

-Lucas Cady

Project Director

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