Friday, December 16, 2016

Pre-Alpha 1.34

 Bleh. This damn update has been impeding my progress instead of making it better. The update that I speak of being UE4.14. As of 4.14.1, the crashes are LESS frequent, but still occur much more frequently than they did in 4.13. Alas. We've still got a few things, nothing too major, as I said, I have been mostly fighting with the damn engine this past week. :/
It now seems that it is the details panel within the blueprint editor that has been causing the lion's share of crashes as of late. At least I have some idea what is doing it now.

Change log, 1.34

-Added the material node for stone
-Increased the length of civ building
-Updated some materials
-Added simple “follower” AI
-Updated a few particle effects
-Added about 8 animations for random NPC's (Blender was my friend this week :p)

Items Added:

-Harvester's Pouch, an accessory, it increases your civ's farming yield by a percentage

Cards Added:

-Unnamed upgrade to Shimmering Bubble, summons a metal shield that physically blocks anything headed your way for a time

Enemies Added:

None :/

And now something that our play tester actually suggested and has been waiting for with bated breath...

We have a combo system!

I have figured out the logic for melee combos, which, after some consideration, was a hell of a lot easier than I had been trying to make it (enumerators are OP.) The system works by cycling between several different “levels” of combo, each different attack, light and heavy, doing separate things and moving you to different levels through each attack.
An example:
Our simple spear, following with just light attacks, you will head down a relatively simple combo path, straight to level 4; 1,2,3,4. But, using heavies at one, cycles you to two, then two back to one. Effectively allowing you to spam a back and fourth attack, with a larger AoE. But the heavy attack also has a level 4 combo which is inaccessible by just using the heavy attack. One must, at the least use – LLLH, in order to access it.
The spear is a rather simple weapon. When we start talking about the heavy AoE scythes or the evasive daggers, things start to get a bit more interesting.

Anywho, screenshot time; most of them are from blender this week, as UE4 was being uncooperative with those as well.
The well that was added recently. Building it increases reproduction chance, as clear, easy-to-access water is one of those things that simply increases the chances of successful child birth and increases survivablity in general of a growing population... yes. :p I've the next dozen or so, wait, let me count quick...the next 13 town upgrades planned; most of them require new static meshes to be made, but I am excited about what it will become in the near future.

The harvester's pouch. Not super exciting, but I like it. 

The unnamed metal shield I spoke up eariler, the prop viewer works just fine, so that's where it came from. I like the effect that I got off from this one. Material functions too OP.

A cross-legged idle, probably only for NPC's. I have been playing Witcher 3 recently, and the shear number of animations in that game is staggering. They add such lovely ambiance to it as well. Expect more useless animations like that. I do so love a world with ambiance.

A wall-leaning idle, see above, ambiance and what not.

And another random idle animation.

Those along with about five others are waiting to get placed in the game. They import well enough, but when I start to try to play with Persona at all, which is UE4's animation editor, it starts to crash again. But, I am hopeful that by this time next week, the damn problem will be fixed. If it has not been, then I suppose I will have more animations and a ton more clothing to show off.
It especially blows since I have the next three days off and can nary work on actual gameplay at all.

Upcoming (hopefully):

If all works out and they get these bugs fixed:

 -Finish the combo system off, get it up and working completely for all the weapons already in the game
-Fix a loading problem that is proving annoying to pin down
-Lengthen the civ, add more cards, build more to the world

But, until next week,
-Lucas Cady
Project Director

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