Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wind Carrier; Alpha 24.4.19

Hello all!

I'm almost back up to speed, not a bunch to say.


-Random merchants now all have certain types of items that they sell that others do not

-Updated the clothing_object logic to include a unique mesh for each race/gender combination

Player/Civ Updates:

-Health and mana regen rates are now tripled outside of combat and when not dreaming

-Added a bit of screenshake/hit stun when the player is hit

-Added the Fan weapon class
-Medium range
-Heavy combos provide refreshable buffs
-In order:
-Armor Up
-Atk Up
-Buff effects scale on the player's damage and MDM or MCM stats, depending which is higher

Item Updates:

-Added A Trickster's Hide
-Dream reward

-Added Primitive Fan

-Added S'Hae Typhoon

-Added Crystalline Macuahuitl

Enemy Updates:

-Enemies stunned when about the health threshold are no longer able to be finished

Dream Updates:

-Added A Trickster's Trove
-Drops from Vulpine Tricksters
-A veritable mana mine to those that are observant; something more akin to a deathtrap to those who are unwary
-Has a chance to drop a large number of items from the burlap sacks scattered around

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where the mouse clicker icon wouldn't show up above the hand widget when adding cards to an empty deck

A Trickster's Hide

The unique reward for A Trickster's Trove
On display is also the fan idle along with the S'Hae Typhoon
The design of A Trickster's Hide is to be credited to my wife.

And that's all I have for this week. 

Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Update; 17.4.9

Hello all.

As I (didn't) mention last week, there won't be a proper blog this week as the wife and I moved recently. My changelog is only three things long, and two of the three are bug fixes, thus I will shift them onto next week.
Everything went much smoother than last time, so I expect myself to be back up to the proper speed again sooner rather than later. It also helps that I've got a short commute now by something along the lines of 45 minutes, so, that'll help too.

Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wind Carrier; Alpha 10.4.19

Hello all!

Got more than I would have guessed for this week, so, yay.


-Resource gain and mana crystal gain widgets now spawn in a normalized widget akin to the item pickup widget

-Re-textured the grass for a final time (credits the wife)

-In the process of finalizing the civ stats icons (credits the wife)

-Added a new class of random encounters which have a lower spawn rate than average random encounters

Player/Civ Updates:

-The player can no longer spirit walk in dreams

-Lowered the delay between the last attack and the combo reset for melee attacks from 3 seconds to 2 seconds

-Spirit Walk

-Updated the mats and post process volume so the spirit orbs are actually visible
-Each orb now increases health healed by between 10% and 20%, up from a flat 10%
-Each orb lasts longer now
-Spirit Walk now ends when the player collects 100% health and mana
-Spirit Walk can now be ended with Escape and Backspace as well as 1

Item Updates:

-Added Consielle Skull material
-Drops from Vulpine Shamans and Sundrinkers

-Added The Gilded Ostaar head item
-Greatly increases all production rates
-Greatly increases population rate

Card Updates:

-Added Ancient Stump
-Tier 2
-A simple wall until it takes enough fire or air damage; turning into an inferno or a heavy, blunt object respectively

-Added Crystalline Mountain
-Tier 3
-Upgrades from Crystalline fountain
-A stack of three fountains, each of which fire faster than the original and at different angles, covering a large area with crystalline shards

Enemy Updates:

-Dragonbone Shaman
-Now has a chance to drop the Witch's Crown head item

Building Updates:

-Added Totem of Li'Kuntuu
-Vulpine crafting
-Large amounts of pop rate

Dream Updates:

-Added The Gilded Ostaar
-Vulpine aligned
-Spawned by a random encounter with Fate

The new grass texture, courtesy of my wife. It finally actually looks good. 

New scale texture, replacing the literally two year old thing that I made in a hurry before I even started using Photoshop, let along Krita. 

The two new icons amidst the old ones. The rest will be replaced eventually as well. I'm looking forward to the consistency that her work will bring to the UI.

A couple other textures, courtesy of my wife.

The Gilded Ostaar

The legendary Gilded Ostaar is spoken of in Vulpine mythology. It is said that Li'Kuntuu breathed life into the first Ostaar millennia ago in the form of this golden flower. 
The common ostaar is deeply entangled with the Vulpine race; it's quick spreading and its propensity to prosper where others do not. A common prophetic ritual among Vulpine involves a bonfire and ostaar seeds. They toss the seeds into the pit which they have prepared for the fire, set the bonfire ablaze with specially prepared oils - which cause the flame to burn hotter and faster, and then dance the night away. Once the procession begins to awake, a shaman will read the ashes and the ostaar; some of which may have already grown overnight after the fire had died down. The number and configuration of the ostaar both play a part in the reading. A healthy field of ostaar is a good sign, but horrible things await in the near future if the field is bare.

Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Wind Carrier; Alpha 03.04.19

Hello all!

Not much to say about the changelog, I'll let it speak for itself. But I do need to mention that we are moving again, just across the city, but the next couple of weeks, maybe a month, will be a bit slower again. After that though, things should theoretically pick up again, faster than now, since I will have a shorter commute to work, thus more time to spend on Wind Carrier.



-All buildings which offer no stats now have their description prefaced with "Decoration"

Item Updates:

-Added A Twisted Spire
-Has a chance to spawn Rockdancer's akin to the spell card, Rockdancer's Drop, every time the player attacks in melee

Card Updates:

-Added Effluvia Gel 
-Dream reward
-Massive explosion
-Damage to everything
-Negative influence when cast

-Added Condemnation
-Upgrades from Effluvia Gel
-Damage to everything
-Large negative influence when cast

Enemy Updates:

-Added Väälhäiliilhiöynd
-Lit. Pebble Collector
-Heals self with piles of stones which its other abilities spawn
-Gains armor as it heals
-Bleeds with melee after it gains enough armor
-Nature alignment

Dream Updates:

-Added An Alchemical Armament
-Vulpine aligned
-Vulp influence 50+ required for it to spawn
-Negative influence

-Added A Dancer's Descent
-Dynamic (Saurian Rockdancer)
-Saurian aligned

A Twisted Spire; the unique reward from A Dancer's Descent

A Väälhäiliilhiöynd

Not all syyenä are wise enough to build civilizations. The Väälhäiliilhiöynd are such a breed. These physically strong creatures care for little more than their stones. It is unclear why they care so much for their pebbles, but each takes a large amount of pride in his or her collection - oftentimes jamming the stones into their gashes, allowing the wounds to close around them.

As I said above, things'll be slowing down a bit for a while again, but I'm excited all the same. 

Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director