Saturday, February 17, 2018

Wind Carrier; Pre-Alpha 1.87

Hello all!

Another week, another set back. >.>

Not SUCH a huge one this time, but long story short, I won't be able to work on sounds for a while since the sound drivers I was using don't actually work with Windows 10, it seems. :/

Anywho, we've got some changes, as per usual; mostly updates to existing things, along with the addition of tutorial quests.

Anyway, let's get to it.

Changelog, 1.87

-Added some widget art

-Updated enemy AI a bit

-Added the "Key item" tag to keep the player from destroying irreplaceable items

-only the homes and Tho-to's Camp­ are currently key items

-all key items also have a scrap value of 0

Item Updates:

-Added the Bedroll crafting drop

     -drops from Vulpine Ritualists

Enemy Updates:

-Faithless Hound hide drops adjusted from 1-7 to 3-6

-Haljuhurtta hide drops buffed from 5-10 to 8-15

-Ob'dar hide drops buffed from 3-5 to 5-10

-Updated the Sundrinker's potion explosion to work with the new cell pp

-Updated Brindlebark's seedling explosions to work with the new cell pp

-Vulpine Ritualist

     -Ritual Red is now a rare drop, as opposed to a normal one

     -Now drops Vulpine Bedrolls as normal drops

Quests Added:

-Added the quest Fresh Water

-Added the quest A Place to Grow

-Added the quest A Trade

-Added the quest Worshipping the Winds

-Added the quest A New Home

Building Updates

-Added the Vulpine Campsite building

-Added Tho-to's Camp building

-Tho-to's Camp­ grows in power as you complete tutorial quests

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where the rain actor interfered with the cell post processing effect

-Fixed a bug where Fennoc Fire was blocking enemy movement

Work still continues on the previously unnamed S'Hae along with work on another new creature, the Consielle.
Next week I'll likely place a build on, since it's been long enough, me thinks.

Tho-to's Camp, along with Tho-to himself, your resident guide to the beginnings of Wind Carrier
Now you can despawn him if you hate the way that he is always asking for your help with things! :D

The Vulpine Campsite.
An open-air camp meant to house five individuals. Great for boosting population, not for much else though...

And that's all that I have for this week. 
So, until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

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