Saturday, February 24, 2018

Wind Carrier; 1.88, Demo 1.2.0

Hello all!

Our newest demo is now available, as always, from here.

And our changelog for this week will follow shortly. I've not got a lot to say about it, other than getting creatures to fly in three dimensions within UE4 is more trouble than it really should be... but I did it!

Changelog, 1.88

-Finished the Rituals tab in the player menu

-Adjusted map textures and colours again; hopefully for the last time

-Increased the draw distance for drops

Player Updates:

-Added the Ritual of the Circling Skies skill

-Changed Ritual of the Homebound to target the player's home building

Item Updates:

-Added the Consielle Feather creature drop

-Added the Consielle Tear creature drop

Enemy Updates:

-Added the passive Consielle creature

Building Updates

-Added the Consielle Pedestal building

Bug Fixes:

-fixed a bug where occasionally you could craft when the player had zero of a material

To the screenshots!

The passive Consielle
The watcher of the sky and stars, its single, unblinking eye stares endlessly into the void, watching for something that no other can predict.
Attracting the attention of a Consielle may be beneficial to the Wind Carrier.

Note: Credits to my wife for helping me to actually get the thing to look right while it flies. >.>

The Consielle Pedestal
Designed with the watcher in mind, it draws a single Consielle to guard the skies above it.

The Ritual of the Circling Skies
The Wind Carrier draws for the power of their namesake and lifts herself into the air. The ritual allows the Wind Carrier greater range of vision... 

Along with the possibility of attracting any circling wildlife...

And that's all we have for this week. 
It feels good to have uploaded a new build, rather exciting, in fact.

Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Wind Carrier; Pre-Alpha 1.87

Hello all!

Another week, another set back. >.>

Not SUCH a huge one this time, but long story short, I won't be able to work on sounds for a while since the sound drivers I was using don't actually work with Windows 10, it seems. :/

Anywho, we've got some changes, as per usual; mostly updates to existing things, along with the addition of tutorial quests.

Anyway, let's get to it.

Changelog, 1.87

-Added some widget art

-Updated enemy AI a bit

-Added the "Key item" tag to keep the player from destroying irreplaceable items

-only the homes and Tho-to's Camp­ are currently key items

-all key items also have a scrap value of 0

Item Updates:

-Added the Bedroll crafting drop

     -drops from Vulpine Ritualists

Enemy Updates:

-Faithless Hound hide drops adjusted from 1-7 to 3-6

-Haljuhurtta hide drops buffed from 5-10 to 8-15

-Ob'dar hide drops buffed from 3-5 to 5-10

-Updated the Sundrinker's potion explosion to work with the new cell pp

-Updated Brindlebark's seedling explosions to work with the new cell pp

-Vulpine Ritualist

     -Ritual Red is now a rare drop, as opposed to a normal one

     -Now drops Vulpine Bedrolls as normal drops

Quests Added:

-Added the quest Fresh Water

-Added the quest A Place to Grow

-Added the quest A Trade

-Added the quest Worshipping the Winds

-Added the quest A New Home

Building Updates

-Added the Vulpine Campsite building

-Added Tho-to's Camp building

-Tho-to's Camp­ grows in power as you complete tutorial quests

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where the rain actor interfered with the cell post processing effect

-Fixed a bug where Fennoc Fire was blocking enemy movement

Work still continues on the previously unnamed S'Hae along with work on another new creature, the Consielle.
Next week I'll likely place a build on, since it's been long enough, me thinks.

Tho-to's Camp, along with Tho-to himself, your resident guide to the beginnings of Wind Carrier
Now you can despawn him if you hate the way that he is always asking for your help with things! :D

The Vulpine Campsite.
An open-air camp meant to house five individuals. Great for boosting population, not for much else though...

And that's all that I have for this week. 
So, until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Friday, February 9, 2018

Wind Carrier; Pre-Alpha 1.86

Hello all!

Another week, another blog post - we've got additions, updates, and quality of life fixes.

To the changelog!

Changelog, 1.86

-Updated most spell effects to work properly with the cell post processing volume

-Fixed some map seams

-Populated the map with more props and encounters

-Added new crafting materials

-Increased the likelyhood that a wandering allies will spawn

-Adjusted the cell post processing volume to stop it from making grass glow

-Random dreams can now be dismissed by pressing the 'F' key
Note: It felt to me that sometimes they would actually just be in the way if you wanted something else that was dropped nearby or simply didn't feel like dealing with it at the time. 

-Re-generated landscape LOD's that apparently didn't carry over the last time that I had to migrate projects

-Updated the reputation system to make more sense for the world size

-Added a few sounds to the menues

-Spawning near buildings that generate NPC's should properly have them generate said NPC's

Quests Added:

-Updated Feeding Ardor to work with the new quest system

-Added the quest A Lost Staff

Building Updates

-Added Material, Martial, and Mystical player homes

-Each upgrades from the base

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where The Missing Mate wasn't working properly

-Fixed a bug where dreams were still dropping within dreams

A lonely lost staff :(

The Martial Home

The Material Home.

The Mystical Home.

The three homes that you can choose are akin to your player class and your civilization's class. Choosing one or the other will open up different avenues for questing and interaction within the world. A Warlord is more likely to respect a Martial Wind Carrier as opposed to a Material one. 

Each home will have three upgrade paths to choose from, culminating in nine possible endgame classes. 

The aforementioned creature from last week is still under development. It's mesh and skeleton are complete, the only things missing are animations, textures, and coding. I'm excited for this one, whenever it happens. :p

Anywho, until next time

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Wind Carrier; Pre-Alpha 1.85

Hello all!

Another week, another round of changes.

Let's just dive right into the changelog

Changelog, 1.85

-Changed a handful of particles to mesh particles

-Added more grass variation

-Updated AI wandering

-Resized a few of the creatures

-Mana crystals harvested from the environment now scale with player level

-Increased the spawn rate of enemies and encounters across the board

-Most smaller enemies should always spawn now; the same with most smaller encounters

-Enemy spawners no longer spawn enemies near player buildings

Not a huge list, but we've also finished work on the Cherished One, which is all but implemented. It's currently having a problem with turning invisible at the end of its attacks, which is the only thing that keeps if from being added entirely.

We've also been working on another new creature, something of a more quadrupedal nature, which should be boned and animated by next week. And hopefully it won't have issues with disappearing. >.>


Something I failed to mention! It's the level two lizard hut. I haven't quite worked out level one yet. >.>
But! I decided that I would create racial buildings which would have different bonuses and whatnot based on the race. For example, the Vulpine hut increases population more than any other, whereas the lizard hut will increase your personal, passive magical abilities.

The Cherished One and one of its abilities. I like the way it looks and the way it spins, but goddammit if that bug isn't dampening my feelings for that whole creature. >.>

One of the resizes that took place. The Ilhkor'sei was apparently too large, so sayeth its original designer, so I toned down the size a bit. It still packs the same huge wallop however, so watch out.

And that's all that I have for this week. 

Until next time!

-Lucas Cady
Project Director