Saturday, October 14, 2017

Wind Carrier; Pre-Alpha 1.79

Hello all and welcome to another update!

There are more changes this week than I expected there to be. >.>
I made a few changes, which are still in testing, to the way that influence works. I did that mostly because it felt too static to me, I suppose and I wanted to add something to it.

Along with that, I began work on a new dynamic dream. :p
I haven't worked on any new animations, skeletal or static meshes, or any new textures for it yet, but that actual map and most of the boss AI is worked out already.

Anywho, onto the changelog!

Changelog, 1.79

-Influnce levels now fluctuate randomly on each day (TESTING)

-Added a new type of spawner, an influnce spawner

-These spawners are a guarenteed spawn and the creature/enemy type is based on the prosperity levels of the civilization that they overlap with

Ex. At the 'Prosperous' level, within a Vulpine city, an influnce spawner will spawn a Vulpine Sundrinker, however, at the 'Destitute' level, within the same Vulpine city, it will spawn a Lizard Spearman

-The player can no longer build in dreams

Player Updates:

-The player can now have a two weapons equipped at the same time

-by pressing 'Q' the Wind Carrier will switch between their first and secondary weapons

-to equip a secondary, the Wind Carrier will need to use the 'Equip Second' button in the inventory

Enemy Updates:

-Re-added the Vulpine Poisondrinker which was inexplicably missing >.>

-A Crazed Cleric

-Increased the delay after Vine Shot from between .5 and 1.25 to between 1 and 1.5

Dream Updates:

-An Earthen Sky

-Added a camera showing the location of the teleporter after all the necessary enemies have been killed

-Added a few more props

-Added a single, lonely loot crystal

-Adjusted the landscape to work better for what I had intended

-A Poisoner's Paradise

-Another dynamic dream, not quite ready, but I have been working diligently to get this one worked out as well

-Drops from Vulpine Poisondrinkers

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where the dodge/tumble would double dodge/tumble the very first time that it would be used on any given map

-Fixed a bug where equipping a weapon over another would have the first weapon unequipped twice

-Fixed the bug where at the end of A Ritualist's Respite, the reward widget did not spawn correctly

Coming Up:

Seeing as there isn't a huge amount of work for APP (A Poisoner's Paradise,) that'll probably get done during this next week. I'm thinking that the boss, who is still nameless, will be an archer. Which means I should have most of the assets to add the 'bow' weapon class after this is completed. I'm also feeling like the unique drop for this one is going to be our first legendary card!

Legendary cards only have one upgrade track and only a single version of them can exist in the game at any given time!
I suppose with that I'll need to add a way to get legendaries back that have been destroyed or lost, probably from shrines.

Anywho, screenshot!

Just a shot of some of the changes to An Earthen Sky. I just realized that it doesn't have any clouds. >.>

And that's all that I have for this week. 
Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

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