Friday, August 25, 2017

Wind Carrier; Pre-Alpha 1.72, Demo 1.1.4

Hello all!

Today is our monthly build day. Woo. :p

The newest build, 1.1.4, can be found here:

as per usual. You can also download our demo by clicking the little thing up at the top of each and every page. :p

This week was a bit busy in terms of real-life crap, but I did manage to get a few important things done.

To the changelog!

Change log, 1.72

-Updated the spawning logic for buildings that have an extra NPC

-Updated collision for spawners and buildings and other such things to decrease the number of collisions that need to be calculated

-Updated follower logic a bit

-Added the ability for random civilians to spawn

Building Updates:

-Added the Dyer's Table building, craftable

-the Merchant path begins play with one

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a few tooltip errors

-Fixed a few bugs within the new building management system

Coming Up:

I've not the faintest clue. :p
Something, I'm sure, but what it'll be; no one knows. 

And onto the screenshots, none of which were taken with any purpose, just random screenshots for the page. :p

And that's all I've got. 
Other than mild back pain.

Until next time!

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Wind Carrier; Pre-Alpha 1.71

(Another) late hello!

I've had another busy non-game related week this week; between sicknesses and personal problems, it was packed. >.>

I did manage to get some important things done this week; however nothing from the 'coming up' list from last week. :p

To the (short) changelog!

Change log, 1.71

-Building management can now be done, en-mass, from the home building

-Implemented 'dungeon' logic

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed collision on a few meshes which didn't have it; namely the new rocks and the fallen log

-Fixed a bug where the inventory wouldn't properly dump when starting a new game

Yeah, I think that's the shortest in history. u.u

Coming Up:

The only functionality that the building management system lacks currently is the ability to place new buildings; I will likely add that this coming week. Aside from that, I've really no idea. I've a huge archive of notes and ideas which I really should start working through. Hopefully I will. :p

And onto screenies!

'Building Work', right there below 'Civic work' and right above 'pick up.' :p

Clicking the aforementioned will bring you here, with our nice cursor and particle system that are both very difficult to see in the fog. >.>
But, the way it works is mainly with the mouse. Left clicking picks a building up, A and D rotate it, right clicking while carrying a building will put it back in its original place, and left clicking again while carrying a building will place it in its new place. Right clicking on a building without carrying one will place it back in your inventory.
It's really quite intuitive once you get your hands on it.

Oh! And once hovered, you can see the stats that a building provides for you civ and/or you, along with a description, it's name, and a picture which we'll need to draw 1000 of. :p

Dungeons will be dealt with in Wind Carrier through dream portals. Dreams, as they are called, are located on the sites where something has changed a soul, either positively or negatively. 
Dreams will reward the Wind Carrier with items, experience, and influence. Each of them will also have a unique reward, which can only be gained once. 
Be wary when leaving a dream, however, as their ethereal nature keeps them from remaining exactly the same each time and leaving and re-entering a dream will reset everything within it other than the unique reward. 

And here's just a random shot within a test-dream/test-level from our play tester, Chris. I really like the damn crystalline scythe. >.>

Anywho, that's all that I have for this week folks. 

Next week will be a build week and hopefully it'll happen on Friday like it is supposed to. :p

Until next time...

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Wind Carrier; Pre-Alpha 1.7

Hello all!

I completely spaced! :D

I didn't go to work yesterday and I guess I just forgot about this work as well. :p

Anywho, as far a sheer number of things that were added this week, there aren't that many, but the things that were added are rather significant, indeed.

To the changelog!

Change log, 1.7

-Made ranged combat a thing!

-Reimplimented the Throwing Ax weapon class

Item Updates:

-Readded Primitive Throwing Ax, craftable

-Added Crystalline Throwing Ax, craftable

Card Updates:

-Hummingbird Sprite

-Increased movement speed from 600 to 800

-Increased healing per second from .5 to 1

Enemy Updates:

-Tripled the range in which killing an enemy has an effect on influence

-Added the Vulpine Sundrinker enemy

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed camera collision with the ground

Coming Up:

The Sundrinker was not the creature that I had previously mentioned, since, yeah, all it required was a new weapon, mask, and animation set. The other creature is still steadily becoming a reality and I'll release information about it as the time gets closer. But, for next week:

-I will continue to work on the aforementioned creature

-The haljuhurtta vest needs to be re-added along with an accessory crafted from haljuhurtta parts that never quite made it before the mesh change

-I'm half toying with the idea of working on the Lizard mesh and idle. >.>

The Crystalline Throwing Ax, along with the Vulpine idle.

Now, by holding the left mouse button, the Wind Carrier can charge up the damage of ranged weapons by up to 3 times the normal damage.

Holding the caps lock button zooms the action in, granting a targeting reticle and a damage boost. The Wind Carrier's movement is hampered however.

The Vulpine Sundrinker.
There are those amongst even the Vulpine that try to shun death. These Vulpine believe that Li'Kuntu, he who is made of feather and bone, stalks the darkness, devouring those who are to become one with his flock. He is said to be able to take those who simply perceive darkness through the simple act of sleep. Whether this belief is true or not, it has given rise to a cast of Vulpine who are fearful of, or indignant toward, Li'Kuntu.
The sundrinker begins their macabre transformation by removing their eyelids and, through an alchemical process, transform their eyes into glass. 
Each sundrinker is different, some looking more natural than others, but often their fur is singed from staying far too close to open flames. Dehydration often runs rampant among their ranks as well, oftentimes giving them a gaunt appearance. Most carry fire at all times, though there exist those we have gained the powers of a shaman, radiating their own sinister glow. 

And that's that, folks!
Until next time.

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Friday, August 4, 2017

Wind Carrier; Pre-Alpha 1.69

Hello all!

Got a bunch of additions for this week along with some fixes and what-not. I wanted to give the player some way to upgrade their equipment as it felt like it was lacking, you could only make the starting equipment before and that wasn't really that exciting. :p

So I added a full compliment of crystalline weapons along with a new armor set.

I also added a couple new buildings, one of which took me almost 4 hours to get set up simply because it has sooo many buttons. >.>

Anywho, changelog..

Change log, 1.69

-Items which cannot be used can now be broken down like everything else

-Updated the random merchant's possible sell item list

-Updated deck buttons to work only on click

-Added weather! Sunny, Rainy, and foggy!

Player Updates:

-Different paths now spawn different starting buildings

-Adjusted the PC tick to be stable

-Updated the starting equipment of the mercenary to include the Vulpine Garb as opposed to the loincloth

Item Updates:

-Added Hardwood crafting material, dropped rarely from normal saplings

-Added Massive Mana Crystal crafting material, dropped rarely from normal mana crystals

-Added Crystalline Dagger, craftable

-Added Crystalline Scythe, craftable

-Added Crystalline Spear, craftable

-Added Vulpine Garb, craftable

Card Updates:

-Healing Well

-fixed a few bugs with the card which caused it to not spawn properly

Enemy Updates:

-Dragonbone Shaman

-lowered the damage of Thunder Egg from 70 to 45


-increased influence gain from .2 to 1.5

-fixed a bug where it's stunned health percent was 50% instead of the intended 5%

Building Updates:

-Basic Shrine

-lowered civ cost from 12 to 6

-Covered Shrine

-lowered civ cost from 18 to 12

-Added the Trading Post building, craftable

-allows the Wind Carrier to buy resources with mana crystals, the price varies by day

-Added the Gruesome Trophy building, the first building which can only be obtained from drops

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed the visibility of a few collision volumes

-Fixed a bug where Alacrity and Crit Chance weren't showing up properly in the stat widget

-Fixed a few other issues with the stat widget

-Fixed a bunch of map tears and floating objects

Coming Up:

Well, I failed finally. :p
I had a nice two week run of getting everything done that I set out to do here, but this week I finally broke it and didn't touch anything that I thought I would for this week. >.>
Soo, for next week:

-we've got a new creature a'brewin', I'll be working on that a bit, it's unlikely that it'll be done, but it's a'comin'
-of course the damn throwing ax needs to be done >.> along with more sounds and what-not

Anywho, screenshots before I distract myself...

The female....

and male variants of the Vulpine Garb.

A bit of fog, just a bit. :p
Along with a light that doesn't want to properly radiate outward.

The trading post. Our playtester, Chris, mentioned it time after time after time that he thought that there should be a trading post where you could sell your resources that you didn't need along with purchasing those that you lacked. It was always planned, but his incessant nagging is what brought it to be so soon.

And that's all I have for this week. 
I will note that it is oddly satisfying to fix all of the problems that Chris brings up. All I do of my own volition is add and add, he forces me to go back and fix everything that isn't quite right. He isn't the only one that we have, just the most active. 
Anywho, until next time.

-Lucas Cady
Project Director