Friday, July 28, 2017

Wind Carrier; Pre-Alpha 1.68, Demo 1.1.3

Hello all!

I have fixed all of the bugs which were causing crashing in the previous version; or at least all of those that I knew about.
And the newest not-so-hotfix can be found here:

I have been less than super productive this week, but we do have a few noteworthy changes within the changelog.
I'm less talkative than usual it seems as I cannot think of anything else to say other than:
To the changelog!

Changelog, 1.68

-Added the Wild Carrots material node, produce

-Updated the Fennoc Breath particle system

-Updated the way that random encounters spawn

-Updated most buttons to work 'on hovered' as opposed to 'on click'

-Updated the follower AI to work more consistently

-Updated the game over screen

-Time of day now saves and the nights look a bit more night-like (I'm finally happy with how they look!)

-Added footsteps!

Enemy Updates:

-Increased the chance that creatures that drop loot will also drop materials from 25% to 33%

-Fixed a bug where creatures that couldn't drop anything other than mana crystals and materials wouldn't drop anything at all

-Item drops now spawn slightly above the landscape impact point, minimizing item loss due to clipping

-The 'Stunned' particle system will no longer spawn if a creature is dead already

-Faithless Hound

-Bite attack now does damage properly

-Adjusted hide drop from 2-5 to 1-7

Building Updates

-Added the builder's workbench

-spawns a builder with it

-craftable at all crafting stations

Coming Up:

This is weird. Again I have done everything that I said that I would from last week's post. If this is any indication, I should be looking into ranged combat for next week along with working on the sounds that our sound engineer has been providing. I've also half started composing a main theme for Wind Carrier; only the main verse is finished as of yet, but the layout for the rest has been mostly mapped - but that is an on the horizon thing. 
Next week will also likely include a bunch more bug fixes as our play tester will be coming back from his family vacation soon - amusingly it coincided almost perfectly with his starting date. :p

Anywho, screenshots!

Just a nice scene, I'unno... good enough for me to want to capture it. :p

The reworked Ritual Rose warpaint... which I failed to note anywhere within the changelog. This seems to be becoming a habit of sorts. 

And that's all I have for this week, I hope you enjoy our not-so-hotfix.

Until next week

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Wind Carrier; Pre-Alpha 1.67

Hello all, late again. :p

I had intended to release a hotfix of sorts yesterday, but I couldn't figure out the problem in question. It's a bug that causes the game to crash on load whenever one of the random merchants spawn outside of the world bounds. It doesn't seem to happen on all computers, since the other computer we have doesn't experience it at all, but about half of the time the game crashes on startup here.
I may just disable random merchants for the time being and release the fix next week if I cannot figure it out.

Other than that, though, we've got quite a few other fixes along with some reworks below for this week.

And we also added a new team member earlier this week. A lot of the fixes can be attributed to him finding them.

Oh, and I finally *actually* fixed the collision. Like, I am 100% certain that it works this time. >.>

Anywho, changelog.

Change log, 1.67

-Added a new team member! Welcome Chris Pelz, playtester.

-Replaced a whole host of incorrect meshes within the world

-Replaced all the stock fire particle effects with ours

-Can no longer walk on the ocean :p

-Added more spawns for creatures that drop hides

-Added scalability options to the pause menu

-Updated the code for card AoE's to allow them to move more nimbly and with more precision

-Updated the starting equipment

-Updated and fixed everything about the shopping and crafting interfaces >.>

Player Updates:

-Can now break down items in the inventory to get their full value in mana crystals

-Added a vanity camera which is used by holding the 'Tab' key

Enemy Updates:

-Faithless Hound

-Increased hides drop from 1-3 to 2-5

Building Updates

-The building upgrading system has been finished and implemented

-Pear Tree

-Fixed the crafting tooltip to give the proper description.

-Added the Covered Shrine building

-Upgrades from the basic shrine

-Added the Well building

-Added Väädriila, the first temple

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where the starting pear tree would occasionally start at an incorrect scale

-Fixed a few widget text errors. Ex. in the crafting menu, it still read 'Decoration' as opposed to 'Buildings'

-Fixed a dozen or so map tears

-Fixed the collision for spawned buildings

-Fixed the collision for material nodes

-Fixed some typos

-Fixed a bug where sometimes multiple shopkeepers would spawn

Coming Up:

I have an odd feeling. This is the first time in a loooong time where I actually got everything done that I said I would get done. :o
But, for next week, I've a few new buildings planned for creation and implementation along with a simple produce resource node. 
I will also be working on getting the aforementioned bug fixed and if I cannot fix it before next Friday, I will simply disable the spawn of random merchants and send out a new build like that. 
Ranged combat is still in my sights, but I am unsure as to whether or not it will be next week or further out. On that note, I have noticed that the PC follower AI is a bit wonky, and as such that is is also something that I have taken note of that needs to be updated. 

And all I have is just a random shot with the vanity camera. :p

That's all I have for this week.

Until next time

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Friday, July 14, 2017

Wind Carrier; Pre-Alpha 1.66, Demo 1.1.1

Hello all!

This week is a build week and as such, the newest build can be found here:

as per usual. :p

This week, we've got a few bigger changes, mostly to do with how civilization building works and how the quest system works.

Change log, 1.66

-Added a quest dialogue widget to better give the player an idea of what they are supposed to be doing

-Added the Buildings item class, along with the accompanying logic and drop mesh

-Completely changed the way that civ building worked. >.>

-Added a new section to the updates list: Building Updates

-Added a wood-puff particle to lumber trees

Item Updates:

-Juicy Pear is now a crafting component as well as a potion
-Fixed a bug where it was healing 100% mana as opposed to the proper 15%

Card Updates:

-Shimmering Bubble
-Now stays put as opposed to attaching to the player

Building Updates***:

-Added Basic Yurt building, craftable

-Added Basic Shrine building, craftable

-Added Pear Tree, craftable

-Added Home

Quest Updates:

-Updated the following quests to work with the new widget:
-The Beginning
-The Lizard and Serpent

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed the tooltip for Simple Draught to read properly

-Fixed a bug where a few gathering points would disconnect the player controller. >.>

-Fixed a bug in the crafting menu which allowed the player to craft items they did not have the resources for occassionally

-Fixed a bug where the crafting menu wasn't updating the player's resource count properly

-Fixed the paralysis particle effect

Coming up:

I will be working on converting all the remaining buildings to work with the newer civ system along with finishing off the quests that haven't been converted. It is at this point that I realize that I have not added building upgrading yet, and thus, The Beginning cannot be completed. I'll also work on the upgrading system for buildings, since it is but a stone's throw away from being completed already.

I've also got ranged combat logic in my sights. It has also been started, I just got lost in the new building system over the last week. >.>

Anywho, screenshots!

The builder NPC; basically the same as the crafter, but only for buildings. >.>
FOr the next update, I'd like to give him his own building which can be placed where ever the player desires.

The Civilization panel which I didn't note anywhere in the change log. This panel shows the bonuses to various workers, along with general census information. 

It is now possible to micromanage your civilization's workforce. Do note however, that workers produce less mana crystals than unemployed citizens; they do, however produce other resources as well.

A pear tree. Does all the things that a pear tree does. 

And that's all that I have for this week. At least this week felt like I did something again. :p

Anywho, until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Wind Carrier; Pre-Alpha 1.65

Hello all!

I apologize for the tardiness; I only had about five minutes of time on the computer yesterday after all of the running and various other things that I had to do.

I did manage to get the scythe class completely re-implemented along with some other stuff.

One of the other things was a vastly improved quest dialogue and explanation system which is almost, but not quite finished and ready. I expect it to be up and running by next week's build.

 But, anywho, to the changelog.

Change log, 1.65

-Updated the Yurt mesh

-Added a puff of grass particle when collecting plants
   (I liked this so much that I'll probably do something like it for each collectable thing :p)

-Added LoD's for the landscapes

-Added a small widget to the crafting menu, telling the player how many of the generic resources that they have

Player Updates:

-Re-implemented the Scythe class of weapons

Note: I reworked how the Scythe combo played out. Before, it had two empty attacks, one light and one heavy. Now it favors level 2. I've included a nifty flow chart for it below. I wanted light combo 1 to be more difficult to get to, with only one route. Now the player needs to choose between massive damage from the heavy level 3 combo or the quick, weak, light level 3 to get back to level 1 to heal.

-Added heavy combo level 2 for the dagger in the form of a thrown explosive.

Enemy Updates:

Dragon Bone Shaman

-Increased walk speed from 200 (?) to a normal 500

-Updated the minion summon logic to be more reliable

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed the player's collision >.>

-Fixed a bug where items would be duplicated if the game was saved more than once in succession

-Fixed a bug where items which didn't require a specific material were uncraftable

Coming Up:

The aforementioned quest dialogue system should be finished by next week... which I said already. :p

I'll also probably work on the throwing ax animations, probably actually get it up to the level of the other weapons. I will also need to work on a better ranged combat option however, probably something as simple as adding a cross-hair and pulling the camera in when holding the mouse button.

But, screenies!

The new yurt mesh. I liked the aesthetic idea of the original yurt, it just wasn't executed as well as it could have been. And the new yurt just needs its texture to be worked on a bit, but that's a future job, me thinks. 

The generic resource widget. Shows generic resources in the crafting menu. Woo. :p

The scythe combo levels. As you can see, the only attack that gets you back to level one is the light level 3 combo. And light level 1 is where the scythe's regeneration attack is. 
Now, in the future, when the scythe has unlockable additional combos, I feel like it will be simpler to return to the level 1 to get that heal. Either that or I'll add more regenerative combos later on.  

I finally managed to kill an Ilhkor'sei! Though I did it by using the dagger's new heavy combo level before I nerfed it a bit. >.>
It still died though.

And then I was destroyed by a Dragon Bone Shaman... This one, I remember clearly, though. I was trying to kill it with only melee and then it got a couple of swings in. I chose to run and it nailed me with a thunder egg. It was nice to get destroyed by it though, made me feel like my enemies are actually starting to be worth something. :p

That's all for this week. I simultaneously look forward and dread next week because there is a good chance that it just isn't going to want to package the first time and I'm going to spend days trying to get it up and working. 
I'll start trying, like, Wednesday. :p

Anywho, until next time.

-Lucas Cady
Project Director