Friday, May 12, 2017

Wind Carrier, Pre-Alpha 1.57

Hello all!

Start this off with a bit of bad news. The project is throwing a fit this week, so there won't be an actual updated version of the game this week. I'll post the changelog and all that, I'll just have to get the next version up next week.

Now, we've got a few new things as you see in a bit. Nothing super exciting, save the new female Vulpine mesh, but there are some substantial updates this week.

I, again, spent the largest segment of my time in Blender; this week working on finer details: fingers, joints, perfecting the weights.

But without further blathering from me, the changelog.

Change log, 1.57

-Updated the inventory descriptions of items to include the stats, positive and negative, that would be gained by equipping it.

-Updated the equipment system to be much more mutable, making items with more exotic stats simpler to implement.

-Weapons can now deal elemental damage.

-Started implementing the new female Vulpine mesh

-Idle, walk, run, jump anims

-Most female Vulpine NPC's will be replaced with it as of now, including all merchants and crafters

Item Updates:

-Added Mushy Poultice, causes the user to regenerate health for 30 seconds, craftable.

Coming Up:

I've some plans for tweaking the AI a bit for next week and I'll certainly get the damn packaging problem sorted, of course. I'll likely work on getting the newest mesh up and running for at least the bots, which I guess will mostly be female for a while after that. :p It seems like this dang new mesh will be a bit of a priority for a while, which is annoying, but that's what needs to get done. 

Anywho, onto screenshots.

All we've got for this week are a pair of shots illustrating the new stat info widget (which really has a much stupider name in the system.) But, it shows you all of the specific info that one could want from an item. 

It also compares based on your current equipment! Which is simply something that it almost has to do, as far as I'm concerned. I like doing math more than most people, but I still don't want to have to flip pages to get the exact difference between this or that item. 

Anywho, my shoulders are aching and I should probably do something that isn't work for a bit. :p
I'm loving this though. This being this whole process. I have to wonder if game #2 will be as much fun to produce as this one. There will certainly be less frustration, I'm sure.


Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

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