Friday, January 6, 2017

Pre-Alpha 1.40

Well, as I had guessed, we do indeed have a few significant updates this week. Nothing much to be seen, but a lot in the way of actually getting the game closer to a game that one could actual want to play for hours at a time. :p

I considered setting the version to 1.5 instead of 1.4, considering the amount of coding that was done this week, but I decided not to get too far ahead of myself. And thus, the change log:

Change log, 1.4

-Increased the length of civilization building significantly
-Implemented the Leonen race!

Items Added:

None, again. >.>

Cards Added:

-Little Lizard (which needs a real name), follows the player, doesn't do much else, or does he?

Enemies Added:

-Little Lizard (which still needs a new name), you'll feel terrible for murdering one

I fixed that damn AI bug!

I finally sat down and tracked that damn bug down and squashed it. The problem was that the AI were misreading the distance between themselves and the player because I recently changed the navigation system to use invokers as opposed to a static navmesh. But, it is no more! The bug, not the invokers...
Alas, one problem gone, another arises. I attempted to package the project to test once more, the packaging went fine, but the packaged game will not play. :/
Such are the ways.

And Followers!

Having squashing that pathing bug for the AI, it was just a simple bit of until I got the followers, and therefor, follower cards, up and running properly.

And Quests!

I'd been thinking over the quest system for quite sometime now, and today I finally sat down and worked it out. I am happy to announce that the quest system is now almost completely implemented. All that is left to do is add a menu that actually allows you to see which quests that you have taken. :p

As always, save last week, I leave you with screenshots, well, a screenshot.

Just a quick shot of the quest complete widget, along with the male lion's backside. I've a design in mind for the actual 2D art for the widget, with each race having a different border for the thing giving them a more personalized feel. 

For myself, I feel that I need to state, looking at the graphics of the game, we are still very much in Pre-Alpha, which should be obvious... mostly by the way that every post reminds you of this fact. :p 
But, I, myself, am not at all happy with the way the models look as of yet. There a few things that I am completely happy with, but the largest part of them need to be done again. Recently, the character models have been bothering me the most, especially the shoulder region. I'll be redoing them all, again, at some point, but as of now, I feel like adding more game play elements along with progressing the game with more options and content is more important. 
But damn, some of those models are ugly. Bleh. :p

Anywho, until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

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