Another week and more changes!
The biggest change this week is the official re-adding of the Leonen race. They are completely game ready now. Other than that, I worked on getting some quests fixed up along with the addition of a couple more.
Anywho, changelog!
-Added a foliage density option to the option and pause menus
-Re-added the Leonen race for player choice
-Added more sound effects and a couple of open licensed songs
-Changed the way that the quest indicator worked, now it stars hidden, but becomes visible if a quest is available
Player Updates:
-After dying a non-Spirit Walk death, the player now has the option to teleport home instead of reloading the game
Note: If a player home is not found, the player will teleport to the hill where the game starts
-Updated the dodge animation, along with adding left and right directional dodging
-Added Spirit Walk tutorial
Enemy Updates:
-Made Enemy AI more aggressive
-Updated the Leonen IronEye and Leonen IronPaw to work properly with the new meshes
Minor Creature Updates:
-Minor creatures now play death animations as well
-Added a death animation for the Kiwi
Quests Added:
-The Windy Seas should spawn properly now
-Feeding Ardor should spawn properly now
-Added Dangerous Farmers
-Added A Few Leaves
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed a bug where cities that hadn't been built yet were still creating the city name widget
-Fixed a bunch of incorrect normals
-Fixed the lack of collision on the Builder's Workbench
-Fixed a bug where spawning within a civ's stream radius would not properly set the civ's influence level
-Fixed broken attack animations on the Vulpine Poisondrinker and the Saurian Treefeller
Along with the mentioned changes, I also started designing S'Hae themed armor and weapons! Nothing concrete yet, however. And now, the S'Hae itself only requires one animation sequence and one more bit of logic before it is completely complete!
Note to self: Ilhkor'sei needs its weapons to be designed...
On that note, I have begun to redesign the Ilhkor'sei animations - they're rather atrocious right now...
Anywho, I'm hoping to have the S'Hae itself ready for implementation by next week, as next week is our next demo week. So, woo!
And that's all I have for now,
until next time,
-Lucas Cady
Project Director