Saturday, August 25, 2018

Wind Carrier; Alpha 25.8.18

Hello all!

Another week and more changes!

The biggest change this week is the official re-adding of the Leonen race. They are completely game ready now. Other than that, I worked on getting some quests fixed up along with the addition of a couple more.

Anywho, changelog!


-Added a foliage density option to the option and pause menus

-Re-added the Leonen race for player choice

-Added more sound effects and a couple of open licensed songs

-Changed the way that the quest indicator worked, now it stars hidden, but becomes visible if a quest is available

Player Updates:

-After dying a non-Spirit Walk death, the player now has the option to teleport home instead of reloading the game
Note: If a player home is not found, the player will teleport to the hill where the game starts

-Updated the dodge animation, along with adding left and right directional dodging

-Added Spirit Walk tutorial

Enemy Updates:

-Made Enemy AI more aggressive

-Updated the Leonen IronEye and Leonen IronPaw to work properly with the new meshes

Minor Creature Updates:

-Minor creatures now play death animations as well

-Added a death animation for the Kiwi

Quests Added:

-The Windy Seas should spawn properly now

-Feeding Ardor should spawn properly now

-Added Dangerous Farmers

-Added A Few Leaves

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where cities that hadn't been built yet were still creating the city name widget

-Fixed a bunch of incorrect normals

-Fixed the lack of collision on the Builder's Workbench

-Fixed a bug where spawning within a civ's stream radius would not properly set the civ's influence level

-Fixed broken attack animations on the Vulpine Poisondrinker and the Saurian Treefeller

Along with the mentioned changes, I also started designing S'Hae themed armor and weapons! Nothing concrete yet, however. And now, the S'Hae itself only requires one animation sequence and one more bit of logic before it is completely complete!

Note to self: Ilhkor'sei needs its weapons to be designed...

On that note, I have begun to redesign the Ilhkor'sei animations - they're rather atrocious right now...

Anywho, I'm hoping to have the S'Hae itself ready for implementation by next week, as next week is our next demo week. So, woo!

And that's all I have for now,
until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Wind Carrier; Alpha 18.8.18

Hello all!

Not a whole lot this week either, I spent two more days this week out of the house dealing with various things that needed dealing with. Good news is now we are actually running off a proper modem instead of a mobile hot-spot. So, woo. :p

The largest change this week is a new death state. I explain it in full below, but basically, when it is up, the player will enter a Spirit Walk mode which allows them to regain lost health/mana based on how well they do during its duration.

I also plan on adding the option next week to allow the player to teleport home after a non-Spirit Walk death. Because losing progress isn't fun, but being teleported home is better than actually losing experience, items, and way points. At least to me.

Anywho, changelog time.


-Minor Creatures, depending on the type, now have a chance to drop various materials on death

-Adjusted card code to make it more efficient

-Increased the detection range for allies

Player Updates:

-Once per minute, when the player would otherwise die, they will enter a mode called "Spirit Walk" where they will detach from their body and gain increased movement speed for the duration. Time will freeze for everything but the player and spirits will begin to spawn and the player can collect them. Each spirit will either heal the player 10% health or mana. Once the Spirit Walk duration has ended, the player will resume playing as normal with the percentage of health/mana that they collected.

-Added the skills Strength of Spirit I -III
-Multiplies the duration of Spirit Walk, from death and from cards, by 1.5/ 2/ 3 times respecively

Card Updates:

-Added the Time Dilation card
-Tier 1
-Slows time for all but the player by 80% for 5 seconds

-Added the Spirit Walk card
-Tier 2
-Upgrades from Time Dilation

-Added the Mana Overload card
-Tier 2
-Currently only obtainable from enemy Carving Dolls as a rare drop or as their capture, and as a rare gift from benevolent Carving Dolls
-A Carving Doll appears and charges, taking mana from the player to increase the scope and damage of the attack
-Explodes dealing damage to all in the AoE

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a host of cards which weren't properly damaging everything that was necessary

Another week without screenshots? Hmm. I really need to take more screenshots. Bleh

I also spent a fair amount this week working on the S'Hae - the fabled creature that doesn't seem to be coming at all. By my count, it still has four damn things that I need to make it be able to do before it is complete. Of the remaining things, only one of them will require anything that I haven't done before, so there's that. This is the biggest creature that we have ever made (code/asset wise, not physically) and is shaping up to be an interesting one. I'm learning quite a bit from it about AI: both AI in general and where ours needs to be improved. After this creature, the next "big" one should be easier to handle. It doesn't help that this one requires completely new interactions and status effects (to me.) It'll probably also have two armor sets, which will make more sense after it has been revealed properly.

Note to self: Design S'Hae armor sets...

Anywho, until next time

-Lucas Cady
Project Director 

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Wind Carrier; Alpha 11.8.2018

Hello all!

I'm working off a shitty mobile hot-spot right now, but our modem should be here by next week... hopefully.
I haven't gotten a whole lot done over the course of the last two weeks. I've spent the majority of it setting up our new apartment and settling in, along with dealing with a sprained ankle that I got from trying to get everything moved up to our new apartment too quickly.
I also spent a fair amount on company related planning and really thinking and devising ways to make Wind Carrier feel and play better.
The changelog is fairly sparse this week, as one could imagine. So, lets get to it.


-Adjusted the speed and various other variables within the building management system to make it feel better to use

-Civ Cost now appears in the overhead management widget for the selected building, along with the building interaction widget that spawns when interacting with a sign post

-Adjusted some code within the enemy parent class to make it more efficient

-Added a visual indicator for creatures over the player's level

Enemy Updates:

-Carving Doll
-Now has a 20% chance to spawn as a benevolent variant of itself
-Currently, the only benevolent type it can spawn will heal the player significantly and may gift a resource. Afterwords, it will immediately despawn

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where the weather actor wasn't properly attaching itself to the player when they used a transform card
-Fixed a longstanding bug where the Vulpine Ritualist would only cast Fennoc Fire at the player no matter their target

Yeah, told you so. :P

I expect next week's changelog to be a bit more close to the norm. I finally sorted out my notes for the S'Hae and I've been working on a couple of minor creatures to populate the world with. But, yeah.

Until next time,

-Lucas Cady
Project Director