This week we've got a fair number of changes and additions. I had a nice, second-hand conversation with someone who has been helping/testing with us and made a host of changes that they had noticed, most of which I too had noticed, but was too lazy/swamped to get around to fixing.
One of the more major changes is updating cards, especially tier 1 cards, to be more useful in comparison to melee. Tier 2 and 3 cards, of course, already out class a single melee attack by virtue of their scope or single target damage, but I had noticed, and our associate noted, that Tier 1 cards almost felt useless. With that in mind a few changes were made to cards that are generally accessible in the beginning for most classes (Fennoc Fire, Wall of Ice) to make them more useful and a real alternative to melee combat.
I will continue to roll out changes for Tier 1 cards until all of them have about the same power/cost ratio.
Oh! I have also a fair amount of concept art from my time on vacation; most of which has to deal with Miirä'där and their associated buildings/cards/dreams.
Anywho, changelog!
-Days are now 50% faster
-The quest log buttons now work on hovered as all the other buttons in the game do (or should)
-Increased the size of all material node particle effects and relocated them to a more visible position
-Finally remembered that I hadn't properly implemented collision during building placing and got around to that
Player Updates:
-Attacks with weapons now deal more randomized damage
-Health and Mana per level are now functions of Race, Gender, Path, and In Game choices
-Implemented a rudimentary targetting system
-T: activate/deactivate
-Keeps the camera focused on the target
-Currently still in testing phase, will decide on whether it is a permanent addition after testing
-Added Ritual of the Dancing Shrines skill
-Unlocks the ritual of the same name
-Allows the player the fast travel to shrines that they have visited before, not including shrines placed by the player
Item Updates:
-Added WaterCloth drop
-Dropped from various Miirä'där
-Used in various Miirä'där crafting
Card Updates:
-Updated Shimmering Bubble
-Duration up from 5 secs to 10 secs
-Now spawns a weak, stationary metal mist when popped
-Mist deals 3 damage a second
-Fennoc Fire
-Increased damage per tick from 4 to 20
-Now smolders out after 1 second, leaving a small burning patch which does 5 damage per tick for 2 seconds
Note: Gave the same treatment to the Vulpine Ritualist's Fennoc Fire
-Wall of Ice
-Doubled range of effect
-Bastion of Ice
-Tripled range of effect
-The last strike now knocks enemies up briefly
-Healing Bomb
-Increased heal from 50 to 100
-Increased launch speed by 50%
-Added a decal
-Healing Motes
-Healing now scales based on the number of enemies in the AoE effect
-Fixed a bug where it was technically unattainable
-Updated the spell effect from a skeletal mesh to a particle
-Added the Vampiric Motes card
-Spawns three swarms of motes
-Latch onto nearest enemies and deal damage which is transferred, in part, to the player
-If an enemy dies, they regain part of their lifespan and latch onto another
-Evolves from Healing Bomb
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed a bug where channeling would not remove a card from your inventory which you only had one of
-Fixed a bug where Ritual of the Circling Skies was causing the player to get stuck
-Fixed a bug where beehives would continue to cause damage even after destroyed
Kährä; formerly Sisilisko
The new card art (credits my wife) along with the filigree (also credits to the wife) which now surrounds all cards in deck and hand widgets.

An example of the filigree in the deck widget. From what I understand, she is thinking about redesigning my crappy deck widget as well. :p
And that's all I've got for now. Another week where I feel like Wind Carrier is in a much better condition afterwords. Not a lot more to say, just happy that this is still happening.
Anywho, until next time
-Lucas Cady
Project Director